Results found: 5

Merger of Sirena with Zenvia Mexico: Incorporation of Corporate RFC

Starting from 11/01/2024, the company Sirena Mexico Rodati Servicios S.A. de CV will be incorporated by Zenvia Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V. Get your questions answered about this change.

What's new in Zenvia Customer Cloud

02/27 Sentiment Analysis in Sales Chat Conversations View the customer's sentiment next to their name during the conversation. This analysis is based on the interaction history and helps agents personalize their approach to provide an even better experience. The customer's sentiment is generated bas

Release Notes 2024

12/18 Segmentation by Sentiments in the Contact Manager Based on contact interactions, Artificial Intelligence performs a sentiment analysis that identifies emotions expressed in conversations. This information can be used to filter contacts in the database and create segmentation rules, enabling yo

[Enterprise] Indicators: How to use and configure dashboards and filters

Use the  Indicators to monitor ticket performance, including metrics such as open, resolved, canceled, and reopened tickets. In this article, see: What are IndicatorsHow to access the IndicatorsHow to configure dashboards and filtersUsing the IndicatorsAnalyzing the Indicators⚓︎ What are IndicatorsT

[Enterprise] Tickets API

Our API's allow up to 10 requests per minute. To increase this limit, contact support. Find out more about API times and limits. ⚠️Attention: In the Tickets API, after 3 requests with error, the code 429 - Too many failed requests will be returned, blocking requests for 60 seconds. This time is left