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App Developer Resources
2 min
Created by Larissa Aniceto on 4/10/2023 4:17 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 8/4/2023 3:22 PM
Read more about our API and Extension Points.


The Zenvia Conversion API allows you to perform various tasks as well as receive notifications about various events through Webhooks. An API Key is required for interacting with the API, which can be obtained in two ways:

  • Each time an App is installed, Zenvia Conversion will automatically generate a new API Key for it.

  • For other one-off uses you can manually generate an API Key using the API Access App.

Read more about the API here.


Extension points

Besides the API, Zenvia Conversion provides different extension points for App developers to use. These extension points allow Apps to go beyond what is possible to achieve as a user or through the API.


When developing a new App, you can define which extension points your App leverages in the App Manifest. You can read more about the App Manifest on the HOW TOs: API.


Reports: A user with a manager role can create custom reports that are accessible from the “Reports” section of Zenvia Conversion.


Conversation Toolbar Buttons: Apps may add custom buttons to the conversation toolbar for agents to use. Once clicked, these buttons open embedded dialogs where the agent can interact with the App directly. These buttons must be web since they will open a pop-up or web view when triggered.


Prospect Fields: These fields can be added to the prospect entities and can be text, dropdown or date.


User fields: These fields can be added to the user entities and can be text, dropdown or date.


You can read more about the Extension Points on the Reference.

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