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04. Integration of Salesforce with Zenvia Customer Cloud
2 min
Created by Karine Moreira on 2/16/2024 2:26 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 3/8/2024 3:48 PM

Receive and manage Salesforce leads more conveniently in Zenvia Customer Cloud. This integration allows you to send messages and interact with your contacts in one place.

⚠️ Attention: This functionality is available only for users with the profiles of Operator and Admin.


To connect Salesforce to Zenvia Customer Cloud, API access is required. Then, follow the steps below:

1. Access the side menu Customer Service > Integrations;

2. Look for Salesforce and validate your domain in the Authentication field.

💡Tip: This domain corresponds to the address of your Salesforce account.

3. Log in to your Salesforce account and grant administrator permissions to Zenvia Customer Cloud;

4. Choose the type of data to bring, being able to opt for two types: Leads and Opportunities:

  • Leads: Information that allows a user to interact with contacts who are potential clients.
  • Opportunities: Data about which some actions have already been taken by your users.

Both types of data will be converted into contacts in Zenvia Customer Cloud.

In the integration form, you can also configure:

  • Frequency of searching for Leads and Opportunities;
  • Filters to bring Leads to Zenvia Customer Cloud;
  • Update the status of Leads and Opportunities in Salesforce and the states of this data to be updated.

Done! Now you can manage your contacts and streamline your interactions with this integration.