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03. Integrate the Facebook Messenger channel
2 min
Created by Ligia Sarmento on 3/6/2024 11:08 AM
Updated by Ligia Sarmento on 3/8/2024 4:15 PM

Messenger is Facebook's free messaging and chat service, which has its own application and platform. The tool is a comprehensive communication solution, allowing users to create conversational journeys to interact with the page and obtain various types of information.

Clients with an active plan have access to various channels, including Facebook Messenger. The channels are available in a single package, with their respective unit prices. For more information, check the Plans and Contracts article.

⚠️ Attention: This functionality is only available for users with Operator or Admin profiles.

The integration of Facebook Messenger plays a central role in the modules offered by Zenvia Customer Cloud and is, therefore, the first step before using some of the available features.

For example, in the Customer Service module, some types of campaigns that companies can run with Facebook Messenger include:

  • Analyzing the number of archived interactions in a specific month.

  • Checking detailed information about interactions by period, team, and agents.

  • Assessing the effectiveness of conversion strategies, optimizing communication with customers, identifying engagement trends, measuring team productivity, and making more informed decisions.

Activate the Facebook Messenger channel

To connect it:

  1. In the side menu, choose Settings > Channels.

  2. In Facebook Messenger, click Connect Account.

Take advantage of optimizing your communication with Zenvia Customer Cloud: explore the functionality of the Customer inbox, where you can streamline communication with your customers and enhance your conversion strategies all in one place.

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