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What's new in Zenvia Customer Cloud
20 min
Created by Ligia Sarmento on 3/14/2024 3:18 PM
Updated by Ligia Sarmento on 9/24/2024 3:45 PM



New integration skill for generative AI Chatbots

The new feature allows setting a context to send or request information available from external systems, as well as request services from them using API calls.

Some examples of these actions include retrieving user information, checking order statuses, or generating documents such as payment slips. When configuring an integration, you can customize how and when the chatbot makes these requests and how it should handle the responses received, enhancing the customer service experience.

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Configuring conversation triggers on Instagram

It's now possible to further customize your chatbot's interactions on the Instagram channel! With the new Conversation Triggers feature, you can define which types of interactions, in addition to direct messages (comments on posts and live videos), will trigger a chatbot session.

This update provides more control and flexibility over how and when your chatbot interacts with customers, helping to deliver faster and more targeted support.

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Improvements to the SMS Sending Journey

The SMS sending journey has been simplified to enhance the user experience. Now, all configuration steps — setting up the sending, creating the message, and selecting contacts — are integrated into a continuous flow. Each phase can be completed quickly and intuitively, without needing to switch between different steps.

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Set preferences in the Notification Center

Manage Zenvia Customer Cloud notifications by choosing the types you want to receive. Use the categories: All to view all messages; General for updates like new contacts and integration status; and Operational for notifications specific to your daily operations. Set your preferred delivery method, whether through the notification bell within the software or directly in your browser.

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New integrations available: Facebook Leads and Mailchimp

With these integrations, you can:

  • Facebook Leads: Automatically sync data from potential customers who interact with your ads, storing this information in the contact manager of Zenvia Customer Cloud.
  • Mailchimp: Export your contacts and create email marketing campaigns using the information already stored in Zenvia Customer Cloud, making it easier to send and track your campaigns.

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Contact validation

Identify and correct duplicate contacts or those with incorrect information to ensure that your entire Zenvia Customer Cloud database is ready to receive messages.

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Google Sheets integration available!

Integrate your Zenvia Customer Cloud account with Google Sheets and keep your contact data always updated and synchronized.

How it works:
  • Automatic synchronization: Update contact data in Zenvia from a spreadsheet integrated with your daily tools.
  • Easy export: Export contacts from Zenvia to Google Sheets and simplify data management and analysis.

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Improvement in Contact Segmentation

Create more comprehensive segmentation rules. In addition to standard conditions like name, phone, and address, you can segment based on specific lists, tags, and custom variables to include additional relevant information for your organization.


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WhatsApp Multimedia Templates

Use multimedia templates (image, video, document, and/or button) in your mass WhatsApp messages to start a conversation with your customer.


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Absence messages in customer service

Define an absence message to be sent automatically when a customer service interaction cannot be initiated. These messages are sent through the channel configured for the specific group or user, informing the contact about the absence of the service representative and ensuring they know they will receive a response as soon as possible.


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Learn how to use and configure chatbots

Check out the new articles available in the Help Center and learn how to define the goal and type of chatbot, create conversational flows from scratch, manage variables, create and connect blocks, and much more!

Access the created and updated articles:


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Customer inbox: Change from "Unassigned" to "Queued"

Renaming the Customer inbox from "Unassigned" to "Queued". This change better reflects the purpose of the box and the condition of the contacts, indicating that they are waiting for the first interaction from an agent, whether they are assigned to someone or not. The change also applies to service configuration contents. 


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Improvements in Broadcast report: monitoring errors and clicks on shortened links

It is now easier to identify which shooting statuses incur costs and which do not. Undelivered messages are charged if they reached the provider, while sending failures are not charged. Additionally, the new clicked status in SMS shootings indicates the number of clicks on shortened links through the new URL shortener feature, providing a detailed view of recipient engagement.

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URLs as a Knowledge Base for Chatbots

Add URLs as a knowledge base for your chatbots and turn your information into an automated tool to solve user queries, consultations, and potential issues. In the AI Library, you can add URLs that the chatbot will use to provide faster and more effective responses.

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Plan consumption monitoring

Track the consumption of channels, InteractionZ, and users on your plan. The new report provides real-time information for each component of the plan, allowing comparison with previous cycles and invoice details for closed cycles in an easily navigable manner.

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Tags in Contact base

Create tags to group and categorize contacts in your base according to your organization's needs. With tags, you can segment customers based on their relationship with the company, such as potential leads, business partners, and/or suppliers.

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Improvements in qualification via chatbot

We've added new features to Qualification via chatbot. It is now possible to request contact information, ask questions to qualify customers and inform about the estimated time for service.


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Generative AI Chatbot

Create a personalized chat experience on your company's website or on channels like Whatsapp Business, without having to write a single line of code.


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Facebook Messenger Template

Now you can initiate the first contact or re-establish service after the session has ended with the Facebook Messenger.


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Credit card management

Easily and securely manage your registered credit cards directly in our software. Go to Settings > Plans and contracts to view information, update details, or add new cards with ease.


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Improvements in Broadcast analysis

Gain more visibility into the broadcasts made within your organization. Monitor and track the technical details of your communications, including dispatch status, contact data, respondents, and common sending errors.


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Quotes Analytics

Get visibility of your company's profits and pending, rejected and converted sales quotes in Zenvia Customer Cloud.


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Integration of the quotes app

Simplify the creation and sending of quotes to your contacts via WhatsApp with the integration of the Quotes application. Record and measure all sales made through Zenvia Customer Cloud.


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PayPal Analytics

Analyze information on the status of payment links generated in conversations with your contacts in Zenvia Customer Cloud.


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Remider in Sales

Create a reminder in the conversation with your contact and choose when you want to be reminded to send a new message.


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Broadcast performance analysis

We have enhanced the message broadcast management experience. Now, you have greater visibility of dispatches in the new Analytics > Broadcast screen, including details such as volume, a list of ongoing broadcasts with options to pause and cancel, as well as information about the status and delivery rate.


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Qualification via chatbot

This functionality allows you to offer your customers automated service through an initial triage, before they are transferred to human service. With this, your customers can be classified beforehand and transferred to the correct service group.


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Overview in Sales

Find an overview of the reports with metrics of your sales interactions, both from your users and your contacts.


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Sales in Analysis

Find reports on new contacts and conversations held in the Customer Inbox. Filter data by groups and time periods to analyze in detail the metrics of the Sales module, such as response time and interactions of your teams with contacts.


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