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07. Merge Tickets
3 min
Created by Karine Moreira on 7/26/2024 9:15 AM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 10/4/2024 10:34 AM

Merge tickets individually or in bulk from Support Service, adjusting the necessary details to complete the process.

The merge combines the information from the selected tickets, from the most recent to the oldest, including requester data, actions, and tags.

Review and modify the fields before saving to ensure the consistency of information and to facilitate the management of similar or recurring tickets.

⚠️ Attention: This feature is available for Agent, Operator, and Admin profiles.

How It Works

The actions from the most recent ticket are transferred to the oldest ticket. After the merge, the most recent ticket will be deleted, and this action is irreversible. Only tickets with an Open status (New, In Progress, and/or Waiting) can be merged.

The destination ticket’s history shows that it was merged and displays all information correctly. If someone tries to access a merged ticket, they will be redirected to the new ticket, with an informative message.

Merge Tickets Screen

On the Merge Tickets screen, you can view details such as Number, Type, Subject, Opening Date, Customer Name, Service Provided, Responsible Agent, and Category. 

There are additional options that can be enabled or disabled, such as:

  • Keep All Customers: The requester of the final ticket will be all customers from the selected tickets.
  • Keep All People in Copy: The final ticket will include all people in copy (Cc) from the selected tickets.
  • Keep All Tags: The final ticket will retain all tags from the selected tickets.

If these options are disabled, only the information from the destination ticket will be retained.

How to Merge Tickets

1. Go to Support Service > Tickets;

2. Select the desired ticket;

3. Click on Options > Merge Ticket;

4. Select the tickets you want to merge;

5. Click on Merge and then confirm the action.

Done! Tickets merged successfully.

⚠️ Attention: The actions will be reordered (IDs) according to the inclusion date, combining the existing actions in the destination ticket with those from the merged ticket.
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