Category: 05. APIs

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Introduction: API Zenvia Conversion

General concepts to understand what the Zenvia Conversion API does and how it works The Zenvia Conversion API allows you to create connections between Zenvia Conversion and other systems to customize, improve, and broaden the advantages your business gains from the service. Once you have the access

API: Frequently-Asked Questions

Everything you need to work with our API This article will answer the majority of questions you might have about Zenvia Conversion's API. You can find a Postman collection with requests available for the Zenvia Conversion API here.   1 - How to upload leads using the API:   When you upload a lead v

Technical Documentation

Specifications     For reference, technical documentation is available at: The technical documentation is written in English.   OpenAPI Specification (Swagger)   We also have specifications in OAS / Swagger format:

Leads API in Zenvia Conversion

This API was developed with the purpose of providing an asynchronous way to send leads to Zenvia Conversion, allowing you to receive a webhook containing the results. Learn about the requirements and how to use this API in your account in this article. ⚠️ Attention: Integrating an API requires advan

Automation of Transactional and Conversational Messages through API

How you can automate your conversations and messages through the Zenvia Conversion API   Zenvia Conversion allows you to automatically send messages in any conversational channel (WhastApp, FB Messenger, etc.) through its API. This is very useful for various use cases, such as: Sending notifica

Advanced Debugging

Here are a few options for errors you may encounter when you using Chrome (they may also apply to other browsers. If you're having trouble with Zenvia Conversion and none of the options you've seen are able to resolve them, you can check for a specific error in your browser. If you are using Chrom

Download Directory in CSV Format

Download API operations   Practically all Zenvia Conversion's API operations support downloading the information in CSV format to be used directly in Excel or similar tools.    To do so, open the URL of the API operation in a browser and include &format=csv within the URL.   An example URL might