Category: 02. Contact Database

Results found: 6

How to send WhatsApp Broadcast Messages

At Zenvia Conversion, we understand how useful it is for companies to be able to send mass messages through WhatsApp while still complying with all the app's policies. To send your template via mass broadcast, follow these steps: 1 - Go to the Contact Panel. 2 - After selecting the multiple recipien

Different Distribution Method from What Was Configured

In this article, you'll learn how to verify what distribution rule was applied to a particular client.   Occasionally, a client doesn't follow the distribution method you have set up as a default method for your groups.   This can happen when a client comes in via a distribution rule particular t

Additional Fields

In Zenvia Conversion, Pro Plan customers can add additional fields that are customized to your business, improving the organization of important information in the platform and making it easier for your team to access. Additional fields can be simple text (open), dropdown (multiple options) or date

How to export your customers to Google Sheets

Download your clients to a Google spreadsheet.   Zenvia Conversion allows you to export your clients to a Google spreadsheet using a wide variety of filters. Here I will show you how:   1- First, you should go to Integrations and search for the integration by clicking on the + symbol at the botto

How to Create a CSV File for Bulk Uploads

Ensure that your file is free from errors when you upload your database When a CSV file doesn't fulfill the necessary requirements to upload a database containing multiple clients, Zenvia Conversion will display an error:   To avoid this, follow the steps below: 1 - Create a spreadsheet with Goog

How can I upload multiple clients to Zenvia Conversion

You can upload databases to Zenvia Conversion through a CSV spreadsheet   This function saves essential time when loading customers and prospects in Zenvia Conversion.   Here we will show you the step by step: 1 - Go to "Contacts", on the "+" symbol in the lower right corner select "Upload conta