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04. Serving customers - Service Inbox
4 min
Created by Humanz on 6/3/2022 12:15 PM
Updated by Maria Malheiro on 9/18/2024 3:53 PM

One of the most important pillars of Zenvia Chat is the ability to unify communications from different channels (Web Chat, WhatsApp, email, etc.) into a single interface. This way, the main screen allows you to manage all your contacts more efficiently, making your customer service more agile and productive.

To access this functionality, go to Zenvia Chat - Agent Profile > Inbox

Inbox Information

Once a service starts, it automatically moves to the Ongoing Conversations area, under the Service Inbox tab. Additionally, all service details and customer information will appear on the right side of the screen. Services are categorized as follows:

  • Queue: These are services that haven't started yet and are waiting in line for the team to attend to them. They are organized by arrival order. For example, if a customer joined the queue at 7 AM, they will appear before another customer who joined at 7:10 AM.
  • My Inbox: These are services that have already started but were classified as pending, meaning they can still be resumed (except when the 24-hour window set by WhatsApp expires - applicable for the WhatsApp channel). If an agent disconnects or loses internet connection for more than 30 seconds, their services go to the pending list.
  • Inactives: These are services that have expired and can no longer be responded to—applicable for the Web Chat channel (after the customer sends a message and no agents are available) and WhatsApp (after the 24-hour session expires). These services are not automatically classified as "lost" and remain in the interface so agents can retrieve customer information, such as their email or phone number, to follow up.

Each conversation has its communication channel easily identified by the name and icon of the channel, allowing you to know how the customer initiated the interaction even before starting the service.

💡 Tip: Unlike the others, the icons for inactive services are gray to indicate inactivity.

How to accept a service?

To accept a service, simply hover over the service and click on the green checkmark icon on the right side of the customer's name. The service screen will load the conversation. You can also view the customer's conversation without starting the service for a preview of the customer's issue.

There are two ways of distributing services among agents: manual and automatic. That is, when services go into a queue where agents need to pick them up. 

Or automatic, when interactions are distributed to agents following a random distribution. As long as the agents haven’t reached their limit of simultaneous interactions, the interaction already appears in Ongoing Conversations, even before the agent accepts it. This means that the interaction is already loaded for the agent. However, the acceptance method (selecting the green icon) must still be followed for the service to begin. The distribution method is defined by administrators when registering the departments.

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