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04. Access History
1 min
Created by Humanz on 6/3/2022 12:20 PM
Updated by Maria Malheiro on 9/19/2024 9:27 AM

The Access History offers the administrator visibility into access within the service environment. It provides details about who accessed, when, and what action was taken, helping to monitor and manage service interactions. Consequently, by giving the manager greater visibility, this type of report assists in decision-making.

To access the Access History report, go to Zenvia Chat - Administration Profile > Analysis > Access History.

The following fields are presented:

  • Agent: name of the agent or attendant;
  • Action: which can be either login - agent access to the environment, or logout - session end;
  • Created in: the date and time the above action was performed;
  • IP Address: where the above action took place.

All this information can be filtered by the desired period. Additionally, to ensure better analysis and monitoring of the report, we can export the report to a .csv file.

Done! Access history viewed.