Your Business Manager must have an address and telephone number. If you're not sure whether that information has been submitted, got to Business Information and make sure you have filled in the information marked in the picture with correct information.
IMPORTANT: The legal name of the business is the business name registered with the government in your country. If you are not sure what the business name is, you can find it on your tax registration, depending on what country you are in (RFC, CUIT, RUT, etc.)
For now, Facebook does not require your business to have a linked Facebook page, so if your social media is managed by an agency you don't have to claim them.
The verification process should not be done on a mobile device.
Ideally the Fan Page, the Business Manager, and the WhatsApp line have exactly the same name (no added spaces, characters, accents, and/or emojis). If this is not the case, a clear relationship must be established between your Business Manager and your business in the description on your Facebook page or on the website.
Troubleshooting common issues
1) The website associated with the business must be active.
Similarly, there must be a clear relationship between the site and your business. If this is not the case, you will see a message like the one below:
"We were not able to verify the business email address or the website http://www.WEBSITE.com/ associated with the business [name of business]."
To resolve this, add your business name to the website, whether at the bottom of the page or in the terms and conditions. The official business name must match what is registered for your business.

2) The email domain must be associated with the business's website. In other words, the domain name for your website must match the email that you used for the verification process.
For example, if the website is https://www.zenvia.app/, the email must be [email protected]. If not, you'll see the following message:
"We were able to verify your email, but we were not able to confirm that its domain is associated with the business [name of business]."
To resolve this, go to https://business.facebook.com/settings/security and click Resend. Complete the verification process again, making sure that this time you use an email with the same domain as your website for the final step of the process. They do not accept hosted domains such as @gmail, @yahoo, @outlook, etc.
3) If you do not have an email with a domain that matches your website, the phone number must be associated with your business.
This only affects those clients who are not able to verify via email. If this is the case, you must upload a phone bill demonstrating the number you entered registered to the legal name of your business. If you do not fulfill this requirement you will not be verified.
Remember that this step only applies to businesses that are not able to verify via email.
4) The verification button isn't available.

If this is the case for you, here are a few options to enable it:
a) You can try creating an ad campaign with a link to WhatsApp Business. After you create the campaign, the button should be enabled.
b) If, even with these steps, the button is not activated, contact the Onboarding Executive to review more options.