It's possible that when Zenvia Conversion makes a change or resolves an issue, you'll need to clear your browser cache for the change to take effect.
To clear your browser cache, cookies, and site data, please follow the next steps:
1- If you are using Google Chrome, the best browser to use Zenvia Conversion, go to chrome://settings and search for Privacy and security

2- Once there, choose Cache, Cookies, and Site Data. Also, make sure you select the option ‘All time’

3- Now, proceed to clear the data. By doing this, Chrome will be disconnected, and you’ll have to log in again in Zenvia Conversion.
In case the incident persists, please contact our Support team.
What to do if the changes are not reflected
Update after a resolved error or change.
It may be that after an error has been resolved or a change has been made, this may not be reflected in the app.
It is probably because the browser (Chrome, Safari, Explorer, Firefox, etc.) did not load the new version of Zenvia Conversion in which the changes have been made.
Log out and log back in to resolve the issue:
Log in using Google Chrome.
Logout (your session will close automatically).
Log in again.
If this doesn’t work, we recommend following the steps of this article to clear cache, cookies, and site data.