This function saves essential time when loading customers and prospects in Zenvia Conversion.
Here we will show you the step by step:
1 - Go to "Contacts", on the "+" symbol in the lower right corner select "Upload contacts via CSV":

2 - You will access the loading screen, where you can download the CSV template that will serve as a model to load your customers to the system properly.

3 - Once your CSV file is ready press "Browse file". In case you have an error, the following screen will appear:

If you need help ensuring your database is formatted correctly, you can review our help article for creating your CSV file.
4 - When you select the file, a new screen will appear, where you must place the origin of the clients and if you want them to be assigned as new clients to a specific group or directly go to the portfolio of an agent.

If you choose the Inbox option, the advisor will not receive a notification that a new client has just entered. These clients will enter Zenvia Conversion with a "Follow-up" status, so they will not be seen as new prospects in the client list either.
5 - Choose the group or user you prefer and press "Assign".

6 - You will see the form with the clients to load for that group or user. Press "Upload" to finish the process.
7 - On the next screen, you will see the total upload of the data. If there is an error in the form of the return, the system will warn you in the following screen.

8 - Press "Done" to see your clients loaded in the user or group you selected.

Only forms in the CSV format with less than 1000 clients and with a size limit of 1MB are allowed.
The file must necessarily contain email or phone number. You can use our template to help you create the CSV correctly.
It is not possible to load other columns than the ones that come in the example CSV file.
If the contact information you want to load is already loaded in the system, such as email and phone, the contacts will be unified.