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Introduction: API Zenvia Conversion
4 min
Created by MLMC on 3/7/2023 11:42 AM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 7/1/2024 1:40 PM

General concepts to understand what the Zenvia Conversion API does and how it works
The Zenvia Conversion API allows you to create connections between Zenvia Conversion and other systems to customize, improve, and broaden the advantages your business gains from the service.

Once you have the access code (API Key), the API will allow you to provide information about potential clients (leads) to agents and groups of agents via the mobile app; Access the database of clients (prospects) store in Zenvia Conversion; Subscribe and be notified when the following events occur in Zenvia Conversion:

An agent registers an interaction with a client in the mobile app

A new client is registered in Zenvia Conversion from any channel

A client's status changes

API References: https://conversion.zenvia.com/


General Concepts

Everything you need to know about leads, prospects, and WebHooks.
The Zenvia Conversion API is divided into three sections related to different concepts within the platform:

  • Leads
  • Prospects
  • Notifications (WebHooks)

These concepts are more precise than those you will see in the mobile app, which is a simplified view, focused on the work of an agent.

To use the API, you'll need an API Key with access to one or more of these sections and manage its associated concepts.



In Zenvia Conversion, a lead is a piece of information that allows a salesperson to contact a potential client. To be useful, this information should include:

  • Contact information
  • Product or service the potential client is interested in, according to the industry your business is related to

This section of the API allows you to provide leads to agents or groups of agents, as appropriate. Agents can then take over these leads and contact clients using Zenvia Conversion mobile app.



A prospect or potential client can be registered in Zenvia Conversion in two ways:

From a lead, generally acquired through a marketing channel

Manually by an agent using the app

It is important to understand that not all leads produce new prospects. Zenvia Conversion can detect duplicate leads, registering and merging multiple leads as one prospect.

This section of the API allows you to access a database of prospects, check their status, the details of their interactions with agents, and also to eliminate prospect who re invalid.


Notifications (WebHooks)

Notifications or WebHooks allow you to create or configure integrations which subscribe you to certain events in Zenvia Conversion. When one of these events occurs, a HTTP POST will be made to a URL configured to notify you.


This section of the API allows you to subscribe to one or more topics, channels through which Zenvia Conversion will notify you of various events.

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