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Zenvia Conversion Features
2 min
Created by KM on 3/16/2023 11:21 AM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 8/1/2023 4:47 PM
Answers to common questions about Zenvia Conversion's various features

Can you send bulk messages through WhatsApp?

 Yes, the feature is called "Distribution Lists" and allows you to send between 100 messages (basic plans) and 500 messages (PRO plans) a day and with WhatsApp's official approval and without risk of being classified as spam, working with pre-approved WhatsApp template.



What type of mass messages can you send?

WhatsApp doesn't allow spamming. That means that if the bulk communications consist of promotional messages every 24 hours, those templates won't be approved.

On the other hand, if you plan to send mass notifications to your clients regarding new products or services, this will qualify for approval by WhatsApp.


¿Does the Zenvia Conversion Bot use AI to read pending responses?

 No, users must correctly select the requested option. The bot will recognize a correct answer even if there are spelling errors.

Regardless, we recommend using visual aides, such as well-defined options ((1️⃣, 2️⃣, rather than 1, 2) or illustrative emojis for each option.



Does Zenvia Conversion allow salespeople to have their own dedicated client portfolios?

Yes, with Zenvia Conversion you can select portfolio mode or choose a shared inbox whenever you want.


What's the difference between portfolio and shared WhatsApp inbox?

The share WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger inbox allows users or agents to work collaboratively as they respond to clients. Each message that is sent or received will be visible to the whole team.

On the other hand, the portfolio view allows inquiries your business receives to be managed individually.