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Report: Quotes
2 min
Created by KM on 3/23/2023 4:37 PM
Updated by Larissa Aniceto on 7/28/2023 4:35 PM
Learn about your team's performance with respect to quotes and sales

This panel provides key information about quotes that are on hold, rejected, and those that have been converted to sales, as well as billing over a given period.


On hold


Total quotes pending approval by the contact, in comparison with a previous period.




Total quotes rejected by the contact in comparison with a previous period.




Total amount of quotes approved by the contact compared to a previous period, shown over time.




Total revenue on the period that you choose.


Quotes per agent


This shows the status and total over a specified period.


Quotes detail


This list shows information about the quotes initiated by each agent. This table displays valuable information for managers such as:


Agent: team member who created the quote.


Date: the day the quote was updated.


Client: who requested the quote. When you click on each client, you'll be taken to the conversation they had with the agent.


Origin: which channel the client used to contact your company (Facebook lead ads, WhatsApp, website, etc.)


Status: on hold waiting for client response, rejected by the client, or confirmed sale.

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