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03. Transfer rules
4 min
Created by MLMC on 3/28/2023 10:03 AM
Updated by Maria Malheiro on 9/18/2024 3:10 PM

The Transfer Rules feature allows you to customize the rules for transferring conversations between agents and departments within an operation.

The aim of this feature is to improve the performance of the operation and the management of calls, as it allows you to configure specific transfer rules for each department; for example, preventing conversations from being directed to agents who are offline or in absent status, as well as whether conversations can be directed to specific agents or only to departments. 

⚠️Attention: This feature is only available for the Advanced plan.

To access it, go to Zenvia Chat - Administration profile  > Service > Transfer rules

 First, select the Department. Then select the Departments allowed for transfer. 

When transferring to a department, the customizations will consider the possibility of:

  • Transfer only to department (and not to specific agents), falling into the general queue and following the specific distribution rule;

  • Transfer only to predefined departments;

  • Transfer to any department.

If there is also the possibility of transferring directly to agents, the customizations will take this into account:

  • Transfer only to agents who are in Logged in and Available status;

  • Transfer to agents who are Logged In and Unavailable;

  • Transfer to agents who are in Pre-pause status;

  • Transfer to agents who are in Pause status;

  • Transfer to agents who are in Unlogged status;

  • Transfer to agents who already have a maximum number of calls.

Remember that if you have the rule configured by selecting only the departments part, the list of agents will not appear when you transfer.

If you select the options below for transferring to agents, the agents will also appear. 

So if you're setting up a Transfer Rule and you want the list of agents to appear, you need to select the part below, Transfer to agents,

if you don't, only Departments will appear.

⚠️Attention: Only agents who are active in Zenvia Chat, but whose status is currently Disconnected, will be considered for the Disconnected status.

Here are some examples of how you can carry out transfers:

When there are different levels of support in your company (N1, N2 and N3), the transfer can only be made from N1 > N2 and N2 > N3. Or from the N3 team to N2, and N2 to the N1 structure.

When there is a transfer to specific teams, for example, a client contacts the company via WhatsApp to discuss payment of outstanding invoices. 

As this is a sensitive and urgent issue, the financial support team, when transferring it to the collection team, can only select agents who are logged in and available at the time, so as not to miss the opportunity to settle the payment.

After screening by the qualification team, a large customer needs to speak to a specialist in the Commercial area. The specialist in question is on a lunch break. In this scenario, the team needs to be able to transfer to agents in the Sales department who are in Pause status.

That's it! Now you know how to use Transfer Rules.

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