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Unbounce App in Zenvia Conversion
1 min
Created by Larissa Aniceto on 4/19/2023 3:20 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 1/5/2024 12:16 PM
Learn how to integrate Zenvia Conversion with this landing page manager

With this application you can extract and import leads from Unbounce to Zenvia Conversion, as well as assign the distribution rule you want to this channel and choose the additional configuration that best fits your needs.


To get started, follow the steps described below:


1 - Go to Apps and look for the Unbounce integration:


2 - Click and choose which group you want to assign this integration to, then press "Install":


3 - Copy the URL for Unbounce in the integrations settings and send it to your Unbounce account manager.


Once your account manager lets you know the integration is ready, select your industry under "Industry Setup":


Once that's done, just click on the top right corner and press "Save".


Don't forget to assign the desired distribution rule for this integrations and to choose any other settings you need.

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