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Login via SSO in Zenvia Conversion
3 min
Created by Larissa Aniceto on 4/20/2023 4:39 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 12/4/2023 4:34 PM

Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) unifies login and password to access multiple integrated platforms, streamlining and expediting access and account management.

SSO, in this context, refers to a Software as a Service (SaaS) or similar provider that can be used by all platforms used by your company securely and transparently, through corporate login. 

This solution allows user account management through the identity provider itself, being essential for IT and security teams to manage user accounts across various systems and platforms.

Developed from the Zenvia platform (Auth0¹ + Okta - SSO solution) and the client's identity provider (IdP), Enterprise Single Sign-On utilizes OpenIdConnect technology.

⚠️Attention: To use SSO, you must have our Enterprise Plan. Contact our support team to implement this solution in your company.

SSO Benefits

In addition to simplifying access management and audits, SSO provides the following benefits:

  • Identity protection;
  • Alignment assurance with compliance requirements;
  • Speed in performing basic tasks;
  • Reduction of help desk workload;
  • Facilitation of integration with business partners.

SSO Configuration in Zenvia

Configure the connection on both sides, in the Zenvia platform (Auth0) and also in your identity provider (IdP).

The initial requirements for the process, considering the SAML + Auth0 and OpenIdConnect + Auth0 connections, are:

  • List of domains: (Example: "@mycompany.com", "@mycompany.com.br", among others).

We need the list of domains related to this connection, that is, how we will recognize from the email that users belong to the Login Enterprise.


It is necessary to choose the default permission level for a client of this connection in our systems. This information will determine that, if you do not send us the permission level of a user, they will have one of the following profiles:

  • ZENVIA_OPERATOR: Operator profile. It will be possible to perform common operations within our platforms.
  • ZENVIA_VIEWER: Viewer profile. The user can access and view the system but without operational power.

We hope this article has facilitated your experience with Zenvia Conversion.

⚠️Attention: The indicated plan is for up to 500 users. It is recommended to have one CNPJ per contract, but with more than one domain per CNPJ.