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3 min
Created by Karine Moreira on 5/2/2023 9:32 AM
Updated by Larissa Aniceto on 8/7/2023 11:37 AM
See how to perform this integration with Zenvia Conversion

API Webmotors Documentation:


Important: The user that is being used in the integration must be a user with API permissions. This user won’t be able to access Cockpit CRM Dashboards:


For the integration with Webmotors to work correctly, it is necessary to make the connection through Cockpit and through Zenvia Conversion, as we will explain below.


Steps to perform the integration:


1 - Login into Cockpit https://www.cockpit.com.br/ and go to Usuários:

2 - Add a New User that will have the permissions to interact with the API: 

3 - Complete the form where the arrows appear. Check that the permission Integrador de API is selected.


TIP: We recommend that the domain of the email should be something like [email protected] or [email protected]

4 - After creating a API User, the client should activate Zenvia Conversion as the Leads Manager. For this, the client must be logged in with the ADMIN user


This can be done in 2 ways:


Press Confirm and you're done! The integration is now correctly configured in the Cockpit, now follow the steps below to perform the Webmotors integration within Zenvia Conversion:


1 - Go to Integrations and search for Webmotors:

2 - When you click, a new window opens and you must choose the group where you want to install the application > click on Assign > Install. Finally, connect your Webmotors account: 

3- Click Save at the top right of the screen, and you're done! Integration completed successfully.

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