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Different Distribution Method from What Was Configured
5 min
Created by Karine Moreira on 5/2/2023 10:16 AM
Updated by Larissa Aniceto on 8/11/2023 6:03 PM
In this article, you'll learn how to verify what distribution rule was applied to a particular client.

Occasionally, a client doesn't follow the distribution method you have set up as a default method for your groups.


This can happen when a client comes in via a distribution rule particular to an integration and not via a conversational channel, or if you believe that you have the rule configured in a certain way when in reality it isn't.


In this article, we'll show you how to check what the distribution rule brought in a specific contact.


1 - Identify the client in question to be able to find out what rule they came in under. If you have a client that may have, for example, come in as indefinitely exclusive to you and it seems it should have come in under a different rule, this is the client we need to find to understand which integration they came in through.

In the following example, we'll see which rule the Test contact came in under.


To do that, the first thing we need to do is find them on the Contact database and then go to the Columns filter:

2 - Once there, we add the App ID column and click Save so the selection will be applied: 

Then we should be able to see a code with multiple letters and numbers, like this: 


3 - Next we'll copy this code (be careful, when you click on it the conversation will open, but you can still copy it).


4 - Go to the Integrations and paste the code in the search bar (being careful not to add any spaces at the beginning). You'll see that it returns an integration:

5 - This integration is the App that the contact (Test, in this example) came in through. We will go into that App and check which distribution rule is configured for it. You can see the distribution rules in the lower right of the App.


6 - Change the distribution rule so it behaves as desired:

You can set it up so that clients who come in via this integration follow a different route from leads that come in other ways. Here we explain how to configure the rule.


If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact our support team so we can guide you through the details of the configuration!



  • You can use this method when you can't identify which integration a client came in through just by reading the origin.

  • This method won't work for clients who come in through conversational channels (WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram), because they are controlled by standard group distribution rules.

  • If, when you copy the App ID and past it into the search bar no integration appears, it is possible that it is a conversational channel or from an app that is in a group above yours. In the second case, remember that if you are in a group that is lower down in the hierarchy, you won't have access to the information about the upper groups unless an administrator gives you viewing permissions.

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