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How to Bring Leads from Google Ads into Zenvia Conversion
2 min
Created by Karine Moreira on 5/2/2023 10:21 AM
Updated by Larissa Aniceto on 8/11/2023 6:21 PM
Learn how to transfer incoming leads from an ad to a conversation in WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or Instagram

Often, businesses create ads in order to redirect leads to a conversation in WhatsApp. However, this isn't possible to do directly using Google Ads. You can't send WhatsApp messages directly in ads on that platform.


As an alternative, to bring leads from a Google Ads advertisement into Siirena and then open a conversation, you can create a landing page that will transfer those leads to the desired WhatsApp number - or a Facebook Messenger/Instagram inbox - acting as an intermediary in this process.


We recommend that this page is structured to provide important information for the lead that will help them decide about the product or service and has as a final action a button that will take them to one of the above-mentioned channels to contact your business.


To do this using a WhatsApp link, see this article, which will show you how to create the link that you will use in the ad.


For Facebook Messenger and Instagram, you can also create a link and direct your leads right to the appropriate inbox.


This is how you can advertise with Google Ads and pull in leads through those three channels within Zenvia Conversion.

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