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Steps to export your WhatsApp contacts list
3 min
Created by Karine Moreira on 6/21/2023 10:19 AM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 8/14/2023 12:41 PM

The objective of this article is to help you migrate your contact database, which is stored in your WhatsApp (whether it's Common or Business API) or in your phone's contact list, and transfer them to your Zenvia Conversion account.

If the import list is small, averaging about ten contacts or so, you can manually add them one by one in the platform.

However, if you have a large contact list, especially for mass messaging, we suggest exporting your contact list to a spreadsheet and uploading that file to Zenvia Conversion.

Follow the steps below:


1. On your computer, log in to your Google account using the same user as your work phone. It is necessary that all the contacts you want to export are saved in this Google account. Otherwise, create a new account and/or activate the option to Sync Contacts so that you can follow all the steps.


2. Open a window in Chrome, go to Google Apps > Contacts.


3. Then, select all the contacts you want to migrate to Zenvia Conversion.


💡 Tip: Use acronyms or prefixes to easily locate and segment all your contacts.


4. With the contacts selected, click on the three dots and then Export.

5. Verify the information, select export as CSV, and click Export.


6. After that, the download will be completed. You can make any necessary edits before importing it to our platform.


7. Open the file using Google Sheets or Excel. You can upload the file to Google Sheets or open it with the Excel tool.


8. With the spreadsheet open, you will see various fields. Delete the columns that won't be used and keep only the mandatory ones to organize the file in our format, such as name, last name, phone number, company, etc.

Once you've done that, your spreadsheet will be ready for importing into Zenvia Conversion!

⚠️ Attention: Make sure all phone numbers have the country code (in Brazil, it's +55), the area code (DDD), and if it's required to have a leading "9" for the state the person is in.