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Performance Dashboard in Zenvia Conversion
9 min
Created by Karine Moreira on 11/3/2023 8:59 AM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 8/13/2024 1:29 PM

The Performance Dashboard is a feature in Zenvia Conversion that allows you to analyze data on the performance of your campaigns and the return on financial investment made through Zenvia Attraction and Meta. 

For instance, suppose your company created a campaign for Black Friday and sent it to 100 people. With the Performance Dashboard, you can see how many people responded, how many converted to sales, and the financial return in relation to the investments made in this campaign and Meta ads—all in one place.

Explore this article to understand how to measure the performance of your messages for more informed decision-making and to expand your company's revenue.

⚠️Attention: To use integration features, you need to be a paid advertiser with Meta and have subscribed to both Zenvia Conversion and Zenvia Attraction solutions. Only Admin users have access to the dashboard.

About the Performance Dashboard

All contacts responding to your Zenvia Attraction and Meta campaigns will be listed in the Performance Dashboard of Zenvia Conversion. To start analyzing their performance, follow these steps:

1. Log in to Zenvia Conversion.

2. Go to Reports in the sidebar.

3. Click on the Performance Dashboard.

4. Choose the Source you want to analyze, which can be:

Zenvia Attraction: data originated from campaigns sent through Zenvia Attraction.

Meta: the data relates to campaigns created on the Meta platform to run on Facebook and/or Instagram, directing interested parties to the company's WhatsApp number integrated with Zenvia Conversion. 

5. Filter the desired Period and that’s it!

💡Tip: The Period relates to the dates of conversations generated in the Atendimentos chat. You can choose to view the time period, whether for today, yesterday, the last 7 days, 30 days, or the previous month. Information changes based on the chosen period.

How to analyze the fields in the Performance Dashboard

Check below the meaning of each field on the Performance Dashboard screen.

💡Tip: To edit information, click on the pencil icon in Options. To download and get all the information from the report in a CSV file, click on Download Report in the top right corner of the screen.

Source: Zenvia Attraction

Name: The name of the campaign sent through Zenvia Attraction. Example: Mother’s day 2023.

Reach: The number of people who received the campaign. This field is filled in automatically if you have Meta Marketing, otherwise you enter the total number of impressions for your campaign manually.

Contacts: Represents people who responded to a campaign. Each time you receive a message from a template sent by Zenvia Attraction, a contact is created. Messages are displayed in the Atendimentos sidebar of Zenvia Conversion.

Conversations: The number of times conversations occurred in the Atendimentos chat of Zenvia Conversion. There may be more than one conversation with the same contact.

Sales: Completed attendances due to sales. Sales are recorded in the Atendimentos sidebar, under Motivo de Fechamento.

Investment in Reach: The amount invested in the Zenvia Attraction broadcast or campaign.

Cost per Conversations: This field is filled in automatically and represents the division between the number of generated Conversations and the value of the Investment in Reach. In other words, the cost is related to the quantity of attendances performed and the invested amount.

There you have it! You know how to analyze your campaigns created in Zenvia Attraction on the Performance Dashboard of Zenvia Conversion.

⚠️Attention: Only campaigns and conversations generated after 07/11 will appear on the dashboard. Retroactive data before this date is not available.

Origin: Meta (Click to WhatsApp)

In order for the panel to automatically generate campaign data, it is necessary to grant this permission to Zenvia. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Access app.zenvia and log in;

2. Go to Products > Integrations;

3. Locate Meta Marketing and click on Create Integration;

4. Finally, follow the instructions to log in to the Facebook account associated with Meta's Campaign Manager to grant the necessary permission.

Ready! Permissions granted. Now you can analyze the performance of your campaigns in our panel.

Click to WhatsApp Performance Panel

Now, check the fields of the Click to WhatsApp Performance Panel:

Campaign ID: It is the identification number that Meta provides for its campaigns.

Name: It is the name of the campaign sent through the channel.

Reach: It is the number of people who received the campaign. In this field, manually enter the total number of impressions of your campaign.

Contacts: represent the people who responded to a campaign. Each time you receive a message from a template sent by Zenvia Attraction, a contact is created. Messages are displayed in the side menu of Attendances in Zenvia Conversion.

Conversations: It is the number of times conversations have occurred in the chat of Attendances in Zenvia Conversion. There may be more than one conversation with the same contact.

Conversion Rate (Conversations): It is the result in percentage of how many people impacted by the campaign contacted the company. It is the division of conversations by reach, multiplied by 100.

Sales: They are the attendances completed due to sales, or with payment links from MercadoPago and/or Paypal completed. Sales are recorded in the side menu of Attendances, in Closing Reason.

Conversion Rate (Sales): It is the result in percentage of how many conversations generated by the campaign turned into sales. It is the division of sales by conversations, multiplied by 100.

Investment in Reach: It is the value invested in the campaign carried out in Meta.

Investment in Conversations: It is the cost that the client has with each conversation (how much each conversation received costs in Zenvia Conversion multiplied by the number of conversations generated by the campaign).

Cost per Conversation: Investment in reach divided by the number of conversations generated by the campaign.

Revenue: It is the gross value of your income generated by the campaign and recorded with payment links from MercadoPago or Paypal. If you have not installed any of these integrations in Zenvia Conversion, this field will not show any information.

ROAS: They are the numbers related to your return on investment in advertising made in Meta. It brings in monetary values the calculation of revenue divided by investment in reach. If the Revenue field has no value, this data will not be filled in.

ROI: It is the result in percentage of your return on investment. The calculation is revenue minus investment in reach, and the result divided by the investment in reach itself. If the Revenue field has no value, this data will not be filled in.

Ready! Now you know how to analyze your campaigns created in Meta in the Zenvia Conversion Performance Panel.