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01. Administrator dashboard in Zenvia Chat
12 min
Created by Maria Malheiro on 1/18/2024 5:14 PM
Updated by Maria Malheiro on 9/18/2024 3:10 PM

The Dashboard is Zenvia Chat's home screen and provides quick and simple information on what is happening in real time (updates of the day) in the Administrator environment. Through this Dashboard you can check information on calls, agent productivity and performance, calls in the queue, pending or inactive. 

This Dashboard provides an optimized and integrated view of all customer service interactions and performance in a single location, allowing administrators to easily monitor calls and agents. In this way, it gives administrators greater control over calls and agents, enabling detailed analysis to improve decision-making. 

Administrators can use this functionality in various ways, such as: 

  • When needing to know how many calls were made that day, how many were finalized, whether it is perhaps necessary to hire more agents to cover the calls, for example. 
  • Or, if you have a team (of agents) and need to know which of these agents is most overloaded, for example, this makes it possible to analyze the accumulation of tasks and helps with any relocations in the team. Consequently, it guarantees good customer service. 

To access this functionality, go to Zenvia Chat - Administrator Profile > Home > Dashboard

This dashboard shows two main tabs. These include:

  • Services.
  • Agents. 


This tab will centralize the Admin's view of customer service, providing two tables at the top with general information such as: Volume and status of customer service, and SLAs for customer service. You can also click on the icon on the right-hand side to hide and collapse the information on these indicators on the screen, or by clicking again, you can view them again. 

Volume and status of services

In this table you can see how many appointments you have in total and also how many are In the queue, Pending, Inactive, Transferred and Completed. 

Service SLA 

In this table you can see how many appointments have been completed on time, how many are about to expire and how many have expired.

Below the tables, you can apply filters and select from the options Agents, Departments, Channel and Service SLA, or clear the filter. You can also apply the All searched filter to speed up your search. By clicking on the clock in the SLA column, you can see the SLA for First Response and Service. In order to monitor whether it has expired or is about to expire, for example. 

💡 Tip: By clicking on Saved filters you can select filters you have already made and apply them again or delete them if you no longer wish to use them. 

You can also search by the customer's name, telephone number, e-mail address, CPF or CNPJ.   In addition, the Admin can choose to view the following service statuses: All appointments, In queue, In progress, Pending or Inactive. You can select more than one status to view at a time. Find out more about each status below.

All services

Clicking on this option shows all appointments made. Minus the inactive ones. 

In the queue 

By clicking on this option, we can see all the appointments that are in the queue, waiting to be dealt with. Remember that appointments in the queue can be transferred. 

In progress 

By clicking on this option, we can view a service after it has been started, i.e. in progress. Remember that it is possible to end a service in progress. 


By clicking on this option, you can see all the appointments that are in the agents' Pending queue. Pending appointments can be appointments that agents have marked as pending, that have been transferred to those agents and in this case have taken longer than 30 seconds to be dealt with, or that have been automatically moved to pending when the agent has been logged out for longer than 30 seconds. Remember that these calls can be resumed at any time. 


By clicking on this option, we can see all the calls that have expired and can no longer be answered (inactive). This happens for WhatsApp channels (when the 24-hour session expires) and WebChat (after a user sends a message and there is no agent available to answer or it is out of operating hours). Remember that in this status it is possible to End all or End the selected inactive service.  

💡 Tip: By clicking on Actions when the service is in Inactive status, you can send an internal message to the agent. 

Finally, you can select one or more appointments in the table and click: Transfer - to transfer a service to another agent or department, Finish - to end a service or Discard - to delete a service. 

💡 Tip: If you want to know how an Admin or agent can Transfer a call check out our documentation. 

When you select the status of the call you want to view, the table with the following data will appear:

  • Protocol: service identification number;

  • Channel: service channel;

  • Status: service status;

  • Customer: name of the customer who contacted us;

  • Agent: agent carrying out the service;

  • Department: area of the company responsible for the service;

  • Date of creation: date the service was started;

  • Last update: date of the last message sent in the service;

  • Status time: time the customer has been in that status;

  • SLA: details of the interaction SLA;

  • Duration: time since the start of the service;

  • Tag: number of tags used in the service;

  • Transfers: total number of times the service has been transferred.

  • Actions: by clicking on the three dots you can Transfer, Finish, Discard, as explained above.


By clicking on Define columns, you can select which columns you want to display on screen, but you cannot change the order in which the information is displayed. 



The purpose of this tab is to provide information on the general availability of agents, informing you how many agents have the status Logged in (online), Pre-break (the period before the agent's breaks), Break (rest period, lunch, restroom, etc.) or Logged out (offline).  To find out more about pre-break and break status, check out our documentation. 

💡 Tip: Unavailable means that the agent is logged in, i.e. online, but doesn't receive any service from the queue automatically. Unavailable is often used when the agent is busy dealing with something else and can't attend at the moment. 

In this tab, you can also see the productivity and performance of the agents. As we'll see below. 

Productivity and performance

Through productive hours you can analyze the total daily hours worked by your agents. 

 The adherence percentage shows the percentage (%) of hours worked by an agent in the tool, considering a workday predefined by the account Admin (which can be customized or standard - 40 hours a week).  With the average service time, you can see how long an average service lasted. 

Below the tables, you can apply filters and select between the Status and Department options or clear the filter you have made. 

💡 Tip: By clicking on Saved filters you can select filters you have already made and apply them again or delete them if you no longer wish to use them. 

In addition, the Admin can choose to view agents with the following statuses: All, Logged in, Pre-pause, Pause or Logged out. 

When you select the status of the agent you want to view, you will be presented with the table below:


  • Agent: name of the agent responsible;
  • Status: agent's status;
  • Time in current status: total number of days/hours/minutes/seconds the agent has been in this status;
  • Active attendances: number of active attendances divided by the total number of attendances, e.g. 3/10;
  • Departments: area of the company that is providing assistance;
  • Productive hours: total hours worked;
  • CSAT: CSAT value;
  • NPS: NPS value;
  • Actions: clicking on the three dots brings up two options: Change status (allows you to change the agent's status) and Go to agent editing (sends you to the Agent configuration menu).


By clicking on Define columns, you can select which columns you want to display on screen, but you cannot change the order in which the information is displayed. 

That´s it! Analysis of the Services and Agents tabs is complete. 

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