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06. How to use variables for broadcast messages
3 min
Created by Leonora Alves on 2/15/2024 3:10 PM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 9/18/2024 5:46 PM

Variables allow you to personalize information at the time of sending the message, making it specific to each recipient.

⚠️ Attention: This feature is available only to users with Operator or Admin profiles.

There are some differences between the sending options you might notice when accessing the recipient configuration screen, which we detail below.

Sending with variables

For mass sends, it is not possible to manually add contacts if your send uses variables. Note that the option is unavailable at the recipient configuration stage.

All sends that include variables must be done via .csv file or using contacts and groups previously added.

Importing via file

Prepare the .csv file for import following the specifications below:

  • Format: .csv
  • Encoding: UTF-8
  • Header: Include the first line with titles for your variables (e.g., Phone; Name; Date; Time).
  • Phone Column: The first column should contain the phone numbers of the contacts. All contact data should be in the same column of the file.
  • Column Separators: Comma (,) or semicolon (;).

Example .csv file:

Phone Name Date Time
123456789 John 01/10/2024 10:00
987654321 Mary 02/10/2024 14:00

For the message “Hello {{name}}! Your appointment is scheduled for {{date}} at {{time}}. To cancel the appointment, call 0800 400 1100,” the file must have variables organized in distinct columns.

⚠️ Attention: The user is responsible for correctly mapping variables with the columns in the file. To assist, you can download a template based on the format of the message to be sent.

Upload file and map fields

  1. Click on Upload .csv file;
  2. Select the configured .csv file;
  3. Map the fields of the file to the message variables:
    1. Choose the corresponding field for each column (e.g., for {{phone_number}}, select the column with phone numbers).

Using contact base

Ensure that the group or contact is added to the contact base, either manually or through import.

  1. Select a contact list, specific contacts, or segmentation rules already added in Zenvia Customer Cloud;
  2. Click Confirm;
  3. Configure the variables in the same way as in file import.

Sends without variables

If the system identifies that there are no variables in your text, you can choose any sending method in the recipient configuration stage. Note that no option is unavailable.

In this case, simply select the preferred method and enter the phone numbers you wish to impact.