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06. Reset or change my password
2 min
Created by Leonora Alves on 2/26/2024 4:48 PM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 3/8/2024 3:41 PM

In this article, learn how to reset or change your access password for Zenvia Customer Cloud.

The following steps describe how to reset forgotten passwords. If you want to make changes to a known password, continue with Change my password.

Reset my password

If you have forgotten your access password, to recover it:

  1. Go to app.zenvia.com, enter your email, and click Next;

  2. Above the password field, click Forgot my password;

  3. Confirm if your automatically inserted email address is correct and click Send instructions for password reset;

  4. A link with the reset of your password is sent to the registered email with a validity of 5 days;

  5. Click on Set a new password or copy the link from the email and paste it into your browser;

  6. Enter your new password taking into account the following requirements:

    • Minimum of 8 characters;

    • Uppercase and lowercase letters;

    • Numbers and special characters (!@#$%&*()/-+=_^?).

Your password has been successfully recovered, and you are automatically redirected to the platform's home screen.

Change my password

To change a known password:

  1. Go to app.zenvia.com, and if you're not logged in, log in with the current username and password for the account you want to update.

  2. On the home page, click on your photo in the top right corner and then on the Account preferences button;

  3. Access the Change password tab to enter a new password. It must have a minimum of 8 digits, one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one special character (!@#$%&*()/-+=_^?);

  4. Click Update information, and you're done! Your password has been successfully changed.