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Contact Segmentation Rules in Zenvia Customer Cloud
6 min
Created by Larissa Aniceto on 2/28/2024 3:35 PM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 3/25/2025 4:32 PM

Segmentation allows you to create filters to group contacts based on specific criteria. Segmentation rules apply these filters and return only the contacts that meet the criteria defined in the rule. This way, you can focus on communication and campaigns targeted at specific groups of customers.

 To access this feature, go to the left side menu and select Contacts > Segment Contacts.

⚠️ Attention: This feature is available only to users with an Admin profile.

How to Create a Contact Segmentation Rule

On the Contact Segmentation Rules screen:

  1. Click on Create Segmentation Rule.

  2. Fill in the following fields:

    1. Rule Name: Give your segmentation a name.
    2. Add Condition: Define the segmentation criteria, such as Name, Surname, Source, Address, Company, Custom Variables or Extra fields.
    3. Choose how the condition should operate (Contains, Equals, Not Equal to) and enter the desired term. To remove a condition, click the delete icon .
  3. To add a new condition within the same rule (i.e., all conditions must be met simultaneously), click on Add Condition and configure the criteria as described above.

    1. If you want to add a separate condition within the same rule (i.e., an alternative condition that can be met instead of another), click on Add Condition in the Or is present in. section.
  4. To finish, click on Confirm.

To understand contact sentiment and RFM classification, refer to:

Your segmentation rule has been successfully created! You can now:

  • Return to the list of segmentation rules by clicking Close.
  • Add your rule to a list.
  • Schedule a recurring update.

Add Your Rule to a List

To add the rule to a specific list, after creating and configuring the rule, click on Add to a List. Select an existing list or create a new one and click on Select List.

Your segmentation rule is now applied to the selected list.

Schedule a Recurring Update

To keep a list updated automatically, click on Schedule Recurring Update. Set up the schedule in the displayed window:

  1. Select list to update: Choose or create a list.
  2. Frequency: Set the update frequency:
    1. Daily: Choose the time for the update.
    2. Weekly: Select the day of the week and the time.
    3. Monthly: Choose the day of the month and the time.
  3. After configuring, click on Select List to complete.

💡 Tip: Rules configured for recurring updates can also be associated with marketing automation flows.

Segmentation Criteria

The criteria used to segment contacts are based on the information stored in your database. These criteria include:

  • Standard Data: These are the basic and common fields present in all contact records, such as Name, Surname, Address, Phone, Email, Date of Birth, Neighborhood, Country.
  • Custom Variables: In addition to standard data, you can use custom variables to segment contacts more specifically. These variables are additional information recorded as Extra Fields and entered into the database via the API or during the contact list import, allowing for detailed segmentation according to your company's needs.

Practical Example

Company Z wants to create a segmentation to identify contacts who are customers from the city of São Paulo and who also have a specific interest in technology products. To do this:

Create the Rule:

  1. Rule Name: “Customers from SP with interest in technology”.
  2. Add Condition:
    1. Criterion 1:
      1. Select the criterion that represents the location, such as City or a corresponding custom variable.
      2. Choose the Equals option and enter "São Paulo" to segment customers residing in that city.
    2. Criterion 2:
      1. Click on Add Condition to add an additional criterion.
      2. Select the criterion representing interest in products, such as Interest in products or an equivalent custom variable.
      3. Choose the Contains option and enter the term "Technology" to filter those who have a specific interest in technology products.

The created rule will segment contacts who are customers from São Paulo and have a specific interest in technology products. With this segmentation, Company Z will be able to target personalized communications and marketing campaigns to a specific audience.

Edit or delete degmentation rules

To edit an existing rule:

  1. In the list of rules, click the button next to the rule you want to edit and select Edit.
  2. Make the necessary changes and click on Confirm.

To delete a rule:

  1. In the list of rules, click the button next to the rule you want to delete and select Delete.
  2. Confirm by clicking the red button Delete Rule.

⚠️ Attention: When deleting a rule associated with a list with scheduled recurring updates, the list will stop updating automatically.

Your rule has been successfully deleted!