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04. Integrating the WhatsApp channel into Zenvia Customer Cloud
4 min
Created by Ligia Sarmento on 3/5/2024 4:06 PM
Updated by Ligia Sarmento on 4/18/2024 3:02 PM

The WhatsApp channel provides direct and efficient communication with customers, offering technical support, updates, and personalized interactions.

Clients with an active plan have access to various channels, including WhatsApp, which is made available as soon as you acquire your plan (read more in Activate WhatsApp channel).

⚠️ Attention: This functionality is available only for users with Operator or Admin profiles.

The integration of WhatsApp plays a central role in the modules offered by Zenvia Customer Cloud and, therefore, is the first step before utilizing some of the available features.

For example, in the Customer service module, some types of campaigns that companies can carry out with WhatsApp are:

  • Analyzing the quantity of archived service requests in a specific month.

  • Checking detailed information on service requests by period, team, and agents.

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of conversion strategies, optimizing communication with customers, identifying engagement trends, measuring team productivity, and making more informed decisions.

💡 Tip: Get to know the Zenvia Customer Cloud Customer inbox feature.

Activating the WhatsApp channel

Due to Meta's (owner of WhatsApp) approval requirements, to activate this channel on Zenvia Customer Cloud, you will rely on our activation team.

Therefore, when you subscribe to a plan on Zenvia Customer Cloud, you will be directed to our activation team. Our specialists will work together with you to configure and optimize the WhatsApp integration according to your specific needs.

To confirm that the channel is already available, go to Settings > Channels in the side menu. In WhatsApp, see if the Manage Account button is available. If so, the channel is already active, and you can manage your accounts and numbers.

If, for any reason, WhatsApp is not active, click the Connect Account button that will be in place of Manage Account and you will be directed to talk to the team.

Take the opportunity to optimize your communication with Zenvia Customer Cloud: register message templates for quick WhatsApp sending. We offer categories for better organization of your templates, such as Authentication and Marketing.

These pre-configured templates can be reused numerous times and are useful for standardized message sending via WhatsApp. Check out the article on Registering WhatsApp Message Templates in Zenvia Customer Cloud.

💡 Tip: We have an article where you can find answers to some frequently asked questions regarding account activation, message templates, session opening, and WhatsApp number classification. Access WhatsApp rules and definitions to learn more.

We have an article where you can find answers to some frequently asked questions regarding account activation, message templates, session opening, and WhatsApp number classification. Access "Rules and Definitions of Use for WhatsApp" to learn more.
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