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08. Integrating Email channel in Zenvia Customer Cloud
2 min
Created by Leonora Alves on 3/5/2024 4:13 PM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 3/8/2024 4:15 PM

Email is a strategic and widely used channel for sending campaigns, enabling direct and personalized communication with the target audience.

The integration of the Email channel plays a central role in the modules offered by Zenvia Customer Cloud and, therefore, is the first step before utilizing some available features.

Clients with an active plan have access to various channels, including Email. The channels are available in a single package, each with its respective unit prices. To learn more, check the article on Plans and Contracts.

⚠️ Attention: This functionality is available only for users with Operator or Administrator profiles.

In the Message brodcast and Customer service modules, companies can use the email channel to:

  • Send emails for password reset;
  • Broadcast emails with notifications;
  • Answer to emails received from customers, promoting greater engagement.

Activating Email channel

The activation of Email channel is automatic from the moment you subscribe to a plan. However, it is necessary to activate the channel in Zenvia Customer Cloud.

To activate it:

  1. In the side menu, choose Settings > Channels;
  2. Under Email, click Connect;
  3. Then, to send emails, it is necessary to register a domain and add an email address.
    1. If you prefer, you can integrate an email with SendGrid. Just click Connect to SendGrid and enter the provider's API key in the API Token field.

Take the opportunity to optimize your communication with Zenvia Customer Cloud: register message templates for quick Email sending. We offer an email builder with features that facilitate the creation and customization of your content.

These pre-configured templates can be reused countless times and are useful for standardized email sending. Check here in the article on Registering Email Message Templates in Zenvia Customer Cloud.

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