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03. Managing Chatbot Content on the Knowledge
3 min
Created by Ligia Sarmento on 5/27/2024 9:29 AM
Updated by Ligia Sarmento on 8/26/2024 11:11 AM

The Knowledge screen is the repository of the content that the chatbot uses to provide answers to users. This is where you determine which content your Chatbot should consult during conversations. It can serve two functions:

Generate answers during the chats: The chatbot consults this content to provide appropriate answers to users' questions.


Perform specific skills: The chatbot consults more detailed and specific information about a single subject or task.

Before assigning knowledge to your new Chatbot, you need to add the file to the AI Library (if you haven't already). Additionally, only processed knowledge bases can be assigned.

Access the article Access and Add a Knowledge Base to the AI Library for directions on the upload screen, and then assign the knowledge by following the tutorial below.

Assign Knowledge

Access Chatbot > Chatbot list > Generative AI chatbot. Choose the chatbot you want to adjust, click on its name, and go to Knowledge in the left-hand menu. The screen displays, in a list, the content that will be used by the chatbot.

Content for chats

This type includes a wide variety of information on different topics. Therefore, we recommend a more comprehensive document with general topics for the AI to answer questions. For example, a description of each product your company sells.

If you want to remove any content displayed in the list, click the X located in the Remove field.

Add content

Click the Add content option next to Content for chats to open the screen with all your knowledge bases.

In the selection field, choose the content that the chatbot should consult to generate responses for conversations and confirm by clicking Add content.

💡 Tip: To include new content, add it to your Knowledge Base. Click Go to the Knowledge base next to Update list to add it, then return to the previous screen. Update the list to see it with the new bases.

Content for skills

This type includes a more specific base, where the AI will have more detailed data to answer questions about a single topic. For example, a document for each specific product containing operational details.

Access the article Add Skill to the Chatbot to learn more.

After defining the content, use the Testing area located on the right side of the Knowledge screen to see how your chatbot is behaving based on the settings. If all configurations are complete, click Publish chatbot.

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