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Sending Messages in the Customer Inbox
8 min
Created by Karine Moreira on 5/31/2024 1:17 PM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 3/24/2025 6:05 PM

The customer inbox is where you communicate with your contacts. You can send text and audio messages, image and video files, documents, location, payment links, and much more.

⚠️ Attention: This functionality is available for all user profiles.

How the Customer Inbox Works

In the customer inbox, you will find all the necessary information about your conversations:

  • Date;
  • Name of the sender;
  • Preview of images or videos;
  • Display of the Click to WhatsApp campaign context (source, campaign, publication, origin); 
  • Display of the Message Broadcast campaign context;
  • Reply from the contact.

To send the first messages, choose a contact from your database and send a message template. After the contact responds, message exchange becomes unlimited for 24 hours. Message templates have an informative tag in the chat with the contact.

The service is closed when the contact is transferred to another user, when the conversation is closed, or when a sale is recorded.

💡 Tip: Use the magnifying glass to search for keywords and find the desired message in your conversations.

How to Attach Files, Media, and Location

To attach files:

  1. Go to Sales > Customer Inbox > You.
  2. In the desired contact's inbox, click the Attach icon .
  3. Choose between:
    • Image and Video;
    • Document;
    • Location.
  4. For Image and Video or Document, choose the file. For Location, enter the place or address.
  5. Click to send .

💡 Tip: Location can be sent from any communication channel. The Google Maps link is sent along with the address.

Add Notes

Notes are internal comments used by Sales users to leave important information about the contact and/or the service.

To add a note:

  1. Go to the desired contact's chat;
  2. Click > Add note;
  3. Write the message and save the note.

💡 Tip: All users in the same group can see the note in the contact's chat.

Add Labels

Labels identify and categorize a contact, aiding in the decision-making process of the sales cycle.

To add a label:

  1. Go to the contact's chat;
  2. Click > Label;
  3. Select one of the existing options and save the changes.

To create new labels:

  1. Go to the side menu Contacts > Contacts base;
  2. In the desired person's profile, click the pencil icon on the labels and then New label;
  3. Edit and save the information.

💡 Tip: To edit labels, click the pencil icon next to the chosen label and then click Save.

Using Integration Apps

Integrations are external applications connected to Zenvia Customer Cloud to customize your account. Each integration has a different functionality.

For example, you can integrate PayPal or Mercado Pago to speed up payments, OLX to add products, and Google Drive to send files more conveniently.

To use integrations, click in the contact's chat and choose the desired application.

⚠️ Attention: Learn how to integrate applications into your account.

Create a Quote

The Quotes app helps in creating and sending sales estimates.

To create a new quote:

  1. Go to the desired contact's chat;
  2. Click > Quote;
  3. Review the product and price information, register the quote status (Pending, Rejected, Closed), and save the quote.

💡 Tip: Keep the quote status updated. To register a sale, use the Closed status.

Schedule a Visit

When a contact wants to visit your company in person, you can schedule this appointment in Zenvia Customer Cloud:

  1. Click  > Visit;
  2. Fill in the fields with the status (Pending, Canceled, Completed), the date, and add a comment for context about the visit;
  3. Click Save.

💡 Tip: Check the performance metrics of your scheduled visits.

Schedule a Test Drive

If your company is a dealership or has products for testing, you can schedule this appointment via Zenvia Customer Cloud:

  1. Click > Test Drive;
  2. Fill in the fields with the status (Pending, Canceled, Completed), the date, and add a comment for context about the test;
  3. Click Save.
💡 Tip: Check the performance metrics of your scheduled test drives.

Reply to a Specific Message

Reply directly to any message in a WhatsApp conversation, whether it was sent by you or by the contact, and regardless of type - text, audio, image, video, file, gif, sticker, or emoji.

To do this:

  1. Hover over the message you want to reply to in the conversation screen and click on the arrow icon that appears in the top right corner of the message;

  2. When the options open, click Reply;

  3. The selected message will be attached to the bottom of the conversation screen, just above the text box;

  4. Write your reply or send a new audio, image, video, or file. The reply will be sent and attached to the original message in the conversation history.

💡 Tip: In addition to replying to messages, you can also resend them or download audios, images, videos, or files sent.

Additional Behaviors

Visual Highlight of Replied Messages:
Messages replied to by you will have a green border and the title “You” in green.

Messages replied to by the contact will have a blue border and the contact’s name in blue.

Viewing the Reply in Conversation History:
The reply message will be attached to the original message in the conversation history.

In the contact's WhatsApp, it will be visible that a specific message was replied to.

Clicking on the original message will automatically scroll the screen to the location of that message in the history, without refreshing the page, just scrolling to the right point.

Chain Replies:
Messages that were replies to others can also be replied to, maintaining the same attachment and screen movement logic. The new reply will be attached to the last replied message.

Different WhatsApp Channels:
In other channels, the Reply option appears disabled.