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13. Best practices for sending emails
4 min
Created by Leonora Alves on 6/18/2024 11:27 AM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 6/21/2024 10:32 AM

To ensure efficient and secure delivery of your emails, we have outlined some important points and best practices for configuring your email broadcasts in Zenvia Customer Cloud.


DNS Records:

  • Make sure that the DNS record entries are correctly registered when setting up a domain. This ensures that your email works properly and that your services remain secure and reliable.


Maximum message size:

  • Total allowed: 30 MB.

Usage of attachments:

  • Send attachments only when necessary.
  • Limit of attachments: A maximum of 5 attachments per email.
  • Total attachment size: Should not exceed 30 MB.

File extensions:

  • Avoid sending files with the following extensions: .msi, .bat, .hta, .scr, .pif, .reg, .js, .vbs, .jar. These types of files can cause your email to be marked as spam.

Sending large files:

  • Use URLs of public and shared locations to attach large files.

Email provider limitations:

  • Be aware of the size limitations for sending and receiving messages of email providers.

Subject and message content


  • The subject should be a summary of the email content.
  • Avoid spelling errors and be objective.

Body text/Message content:

  • Avoid excessive use of capital letters, exclamations, or special characters. This can result in your email being classified as spam by email provider filters.
  • Use a balanced combination of text and images to avoid being marked as spam.
  • It is allowed to use emojis, videos, and gifs, but with moderation.
  • To encourage audience engagement, use a button or Call-To-Action (CTA).

Unsubscribe links:

  • Include a clear and functional link for recipients to easily unsubscribe.
  • Avoid using links and buttons that do not accurately describe the destination.


Unsubscribe management:

  • Send emails only to contacts who have opted to receive them.

Contact database management:

  • Remove invalid or inactive email addresses to avoid bounce rates.

Contact segmentation:

  • Segment your contact list to send more relevant and personalized messages.

Sending frequency

Sending strategies:

  • Start with a low volume of emails, even if you have a large list. This helps avoid issues with spam filters and monitor initial engagement.
  • If you are using a dedicated IP for sending emails, consult your Account Executive to understand the recommended sending limit/volume to start with.
  • Gradually increase the volume of emails sent over the weeks.
  • Divide your email list into smaller segments.
  • Start sending emails to the most engaged recipients, i.e., those who have opened or clicked on your emails recently.

Appropriate frequency:

  • Maintain an appropriate interval between sends. This helps keep the interest and receptivity of recipients, avoids overloading email providers, and reduces the chance of the email being blocked.

Testing email content

Before sending an email, use the available tools in Zenvia Customer Cloud for previewing and testing sends.

Test email sending:

  • Sending a test version is an opportunity to review possible typos, content, and check if links and buttons are working correctly.

Email preview:

  • Use the message preview feature to see how your email will be displayed to customers and email clients.