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02. Response Time (SLA) Analysis
2 min
Created by Karine Moreira on 7/24/2024 9:17 AM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 10/4/2024 10:36 AM

The Response Time (SLA) report in Zenvia Customer Cloud shows all the information about Support Service response times for tickets. Use it to analyze and generate detailed reports on tickets handled by SLA agreements.

⚠️ Attention: This feature is available for users with Operator and Admin profiles.

How to Analyze Response Time (SLA) Data

Go to Analytics > Support Service > Response Time (SLA).

  • Filters: Set filters to view or export data by date type (opening, closing, cancellation, or resolution) and period (specific dates or intervals up to 1 year).
  • Generate Preview: View initial report information. The preview shows up to 10 SLA ticket records and the information is simple and non-customizable.
  • Export Report: After generating the report, you will receive a notification when it is ready to download in CSV format.

⚠️ Attention: Filters must be selected to generate a preview or export the report.

SLA Report Columns

The report includes the following columns:

  • Number: SLA code.
  • Subject: Topic addressed in the SLA.
  • Opened on: Date the SLA was opened.
  • Responsible: Agent responsible for the SLA.
  • Responsible (Group): Department of the responsible agent.
  • Category: Type of request.
  • Service (Complete): Type of service provided.
  • Priority: Urgency level of the SLA.
  • Client (Complete): Full name of the client served.
  • Status: Current status of the SLA.
  • Justification: Detailed reason for the SLA status.
  • Resolved on: Date the issue was resolved.
  • Due on: SLA expiration date.
  • 1st Response Time: Time limit for the agent to respond to the client.
  • 1st Response Given on: Time the agent responded to the client.
  • SLA Response Indicator: Metric of the time to the first response to a ticket.
  • Closed on: Date the ticket was closed.
💡 Tip: You will receive the SLA report for download in Notifications .
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