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03. Ads in Zenvia Customer Cloud
5 min
Created by Leonora Alves on 9/24/2024 10:14 AM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 10/21/2024 9:47 AM

Click-to-WhatsApp ads connect your audience directly to your business, allowing users to be directed to a conversation on WhatsApp with just one click. This functionality enables immediate initiation of commercial interactions and facilitates contact with potential customers.

By using click-to-WhatsApp ads, you:

  • Simplify the conversion process: Your customers can start conversations with just one click;

  • Monitor results: You can track metrics such as interactions initiated, sales made, and conversion rates generated from clicks.

In Zenvia Customer Cloud, you can monitor the status and performance data of your ads through the Ads side menu. In this space, you will have a comprehensive view of your ads by boosting posts, increasing your reach to more people.

⚠️ Attention: Currently, this functionality is available only for Instagram ads that direct clicks to WhatsApp, initiating commercial interactions in the Commercial Inbox of Zenvia Customer Cloud.

Consolidated Data

You can analyze the performance of your ads over specific periods of 7, 30, or 60 days. These include:

  • Total Ads: Shows the total number of ads created during the selected period.

  • Active Ads: These are the ads that are currently running and being displayed to the public.

  • Scheduled Ads: Displays the ads that are scheduled to start in the future.

  • Completed Ads: Ads that have already finished their display period and are no longer active.

  • Disabled Ads: These are the ads that were manually stopped, meaning they were no longer displayed before their conclusion.

Ads Listing

Here you will find a complete list of all your ads, with the option to apply filters for easier searching:

  1. Filters by status: Select from All Ads, Active Ads, Scheduled Ads, Completed, or Disabled;

  2. Custom search: Use the search field to locate a specific ad or filter by a custom period.

The listing is organized into columns:

  • Ad Name (ID): The name you assigned to the ad, along with a unique identifier.

  • Status: The status of the ad (active, scheduled, etc.). This column only appears when the view is set to All Ads.

  • Channel: The channel where the ad is being displayed (Instagram).

  • Start Date: When the ad started being displayed.

  • End Date: When the ad will be finished.

  • Options: Here you can view the ad performance or disable active ads. For completed ads, the option to disable does not appear.

Ad Performance

Click on View Performance to access detailed data for each ad:

  • Identification: Name of the ad and name of the linked account.

  • Investment: The total amount invested in the ad so far.

  • Published on: The channel where the ad was displayed and the duration (start and end dates).

  • Reach: The total number of times the ad was shown to unique users (not counting multiple displays to the same person). Example cost: R$2.30 per thousand people reached.

  • Interactions initiated: The number of commercial interactions initiated from the ad.

  • Sales made: The number of sales completed as a result of interactions with the ad.

  • Conversion rate: The percentage of interactions that resulted in sales.

  • Graph: Commercial interactions x Sales per day: A graph comparing, over the last week, the number of interactions initiated and the number of sales made.

Deactivate Ad

  • Completed Ads: Cannot be deactivated, as they have already finished.

  • Active Ads: When you deactivate an active ad, it stops being displayed immediately, and this action cannot be undone.

Error message when deactivating: If the message "Unable to deactivate the ad. Please try again later," appears, it may be due to a temporary delay in the system.