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Additional fields for tickets
6 min
Created by Leonora Alves on 1/27/2025 3:44 PM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 1/30/2025 3:21 PM

Additional fields allow you to collect more detailed information during ticket registration, offering flexibility to customize the system according to your business needs.

Who can configure additional fields?

The configuration of additional fields can only be performed by users with Agent, Operator, and Admin profiles.

To change access permissions, go to Settings > Users and Organization. Learn more in the article User Access Profiles in Zenvia Customer Cloud.

Configuration Steps

  1. Create a new additional field: Define the field information, such as name and data type.
  2. Set display rules: Choose in which situations the field will be displayed.
  3. Display the field in tickets: When the configured conditions are met, the field will be displayed in the indicated position within the ticket.

Create a New Additional Field

  1. Go to Support Service > Settings.
  2. Under Ticket Settings, click Manage in the Additional Fields option.
  3. Click Create New Fieldand fill in the following information:
    1. Name: Identification of the field in the system.
    2. Help Text: Describe what type of data is being requested, guiding the input. The limit is 100 characters.
    3. Field Type: Choose from the available types (see the table under Available Field Types).
  4. Classify the requested data, which can be classified as:
    1. Normal Data: Does not directly identify a person, such as the ticket number.
    2. Personal Data: Identifies a person, such as an ID or social security number.
    3. Sensitive Personal Data: Refers to specific characteristics, such as blood type or religion.
  5. Click New Field. The next step is to create and configure additional field display rules.

Check applicable legislation, such as LGPD, to ensure the correct handling of data. Learn more at Additional Field Data and Display Rules.

Field Type


Single-line Text

Simple text, up to 255 characters.

Multi-line Text

No character limit.


Multi-line text field, no character limit, with HTML formatting options.

Regular Expression

Highly customizable field, for example, to validate ID numbers. Examples:

  • CPF (with punctuation): ^([0-9]{3})([.])([0-9]{3})([.])([0-9]{3})([-])([0-9]{2})?$
  • CNPJ (with and without punctuation): [0-9]{2}.?[0-9]{3}.?[0-9]{3}/?[0-9]{4}-?[0-9]{2}
  • Accept only letters: ^[A-Za-z]+$
  • Negative number: ^(0(,\d{0,2})?|-?[1-9]\d*(,\d{1,2})?|-0,(0[1-9]|[1-9]\d?))$

Value List

Field where you provide a dropdown list of values for selection in the ticket or person. Allows enabling or disabling multiple choice.

People List

Field that allows selecting registered people (agents, individual customers, companies, or departments). Allows enabling or disabling multiple choice.

Configure Display Rules

Display rules allow you to define specific criteria that, when met, automatically make additional fields appear on ticket screens.
Use the additional field display rules when you want certain fields to appear dynamically and contextually. For example, if your company offers multiple types of services, you can display different fields for each type, such as "Product" for customer service and "Contract Code" for technical support.

  1. Go to Support Service > Settings.
  2. Under Ticket Settings, click Manage under the Additional Field Display Rules.
  3. Click on New Rule.
  4. Choose a name that makes it easy to identify the rule when applying it to tickets.
  5. Define the rule conditions:
    1. "Combined" Conditions: Tickets must meet all configured conditions.
    2. "Independent" Conditions: Tickets must meet at least one configured condition.
    3. When both condition types are used, tickets must meet all combined conditions and at least one of the independent conditions to activate the rule.
  6. Under Additional Fields, select the fields that will be displayed when the conditions are met. Drag the fields from the available list to the Selected Fields area.
  7. Customize the additional fields:
    1. Permissions:Choose one of the single-selection options:
      1. View Only: Fields will be read-only and cannot be edited.
      2. View and Edit: Allows certain groups to edit the fields. In Groups that can edit, select the authorized teams.
    2. Mandatory Field: Enable this option if the field must be required. Choose when it should be required: When opening the ticket, At the start of the service, or When closing the ticket.
  8. Under Screen Position, choose where the fields will appear on the ticket: left column or right column. Drag the fields to organize them in the desired order.
  9. Click on Create Rule to save your settings.

When creating a new additional field, you will need to configure a new display rule if you want to apply it to the ticket registration.

You can edit or delete display rules at any time as needed.

If you change additional field data and/or existing display rules, previously entered data will be lost. Information from additional fields and display rules are stored within the field or rule itself, so the information is lost when modified.

Applying to Tickets

Once configured, the rule will be automatically applied. Thus, when creating or updating a ticket that meets the configured conditions, the additional fields will be displayed in the defined position.