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How to create a link to your WhatsApp number
1 min
Created by KM on 2/9/2023 6:10 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 7/8/2024 10:34 AM
To create a link with your phone number, use this link: https://wa.me/number and replace the word "number" with your full phone number in international format. Do not include parentheses or dashes.  


You can also create a link with a predetermined message which will automatically appear as an option for the customer. That way your clients can save time when messaging you. 

Here's how:

Replace "number" with your full WhatsApp phone number, and replace "message" with your predermined message. Use %20 between words to include a space.


So far, we have told you how to create the link manually. To do it automatically with a tool and simplify the process, we recommend our WhatsApp link generator that you can use for free.

You can also use this or this other generator to create a QR Code.