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How the Unassigned List Works
4 min
Created by KM on 3/2/2023 2:57 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 1/11/2024 1:41 PM

The Unassigned List can have different functions within the Chat section in Zenvia Conversion. Depending on the scenario, it may refer to contacts not linked to a user or contacts assigned but not yet addressed by any member of your team.

If the Unassigned List is activated, you have visibility of all clients awaiting assistance and can engage with any of them in the order you prefer.

However, when the Unassigned List is deactivated, you cannot choose which client to assist first. If there are multiple clients in the queue, only one contact will be presented at a time, from the oldest to the most recent.

If the user is marked as Unavailable, the Unassigned List will not be activated. The alternative would be to set the user as Available and define their service hours as Closed every day. This allows the user to view the list, but no new contacts will be directed to their Inbox.

How to Activate or Deactivate the Unassigned List

To perform this action, follow these steps in Zenvia Conversion:

1. Go to Settings > Groups & Users;

2. Click on the three dots above the user list;

3. Select the General option;

4. Enable or disable the Unassigned List;

5. Confirm the action by clicking Accept.

💡 Tip: Update to view the changes. If it doesn't appear, log in again. If you want to activate or deactivate the Shared Box, just click the button above the Unassigned List option.

Variations in Behaviors of the Unassigned List

The behavior of the Unassigned List may vary depending on the group settings. Additionally, the interaction between the Shared Box and Unassigned options influences access and the routing of contacts for their interactions.

Let's analyze different scenarios:

Scenario 1: Shared Box and Active Unassigned List

When both options are activated simultaneously, the Unassigned List remains accessible to all users in the group. During the transfer of a contact to a user, it is directed to the You inbox in Chats, corresponding to the individual box of that specific user.

Scenario 2: Deactivated Shared Box, Active Unassigned List

If the Shared Box is deactivated but the Unassigned List remains active, it acts as a list of unanswered contacts, being individual for each user. 

When transferring a contact to a user, it is forwarded to the Unassigned List, which is individual for each user and not visible to other team members. After the interaction, the contact is transferred to the You inbox in Chats.

Scenario 3: Shared Box Enabled and Unassigned List Deactivated

When the Shared Box is enabled, but the Unassigned List remains deactivated, users can access the Unassigned List, which is individual for each user, resembling Scenario 2.

Scenario 4: Shared Box and Unassigned List Deactivated

When both options are deactivated, users can access the Unassigned List, which will be individual for each user, resembling Scenarios 2 and 3.