By enabling direct and automatic distribution to all departments, the user can quickly and easily configure preferences related to functionalities and apply them to the entire account, including all agents and departments. This activation automates the processes carried out manually by the agent and changes the way the queues are displayed, for better management of your calls. In addition to gaining productivity, agents also get better quality service.
⚠️ Attention: This feature is only available for the Advanced plan.
To access it, go to Zenvia Chat - Administrator profile > Settings > Account preferences > Direct and automatic distribution.
By enabling the direct and automatic distribution functionality, the following changes will be applied:
Agents from all departments receive appointments automatically, and without viewing or interacting with the appointment queue.
Agents can no longer manually direct appointments to the pending queue, as the pending queue is now automated.
Customers who delay and exceed the waiting time for a response lose priority and are automatically redirected to pending, freeing up the agent for other conversations. This is an important automation that provides greater control for the operation.
When an agent's connection drops, the service that was in progress is redirected to the service queue with the highest priority and another agent can continue the conversation. Everything that was with that agent will go back to the pending queue.
Calls in the inactive queue will be closed automatically, preventing the accumulation of these calls and without viewing the inactive queue.
This new general distribution rule for the entire account will replace the distribution preferences configured individually in the departments.
Waiting time limit for customer response
In this field you can choose how many seconds without a response from a customer causes the conversation to lose priority. After the set time limit, the call will lose priority and be redirected to pending. The call will be routed to an available agent automatically as soon as the customer replies.
Agent disconnection timeout
In this field you can choose how many seconds your customer will be disconnected from the agent. After the time limit has been set, the call will be redirected to the service queue with the highest priority so that another agent can continue the conversation.
For every X deprioritized appointments, receive 1 new appointment
Here, the Admin user can choose from the predefined options a ratio for the entry of a new call. In other words, for every X deprioritized calls, they can set the agent to receive 1 new call. This functionality allows the agent to make a clear distinction between calls that have been made and those that have been deprioritized due to lack of interaction.
That´s it! Configuration done. Now just click on Save changes.