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Contact Database in Zenvia Conversion
10 min
Created by Karine Moreira on 1/29/2024 12:31 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 9/2/2024 9:52 AM

Located in the left sidebar menu, the Contact Database in Zenvia Conversion provides detailed data about your contacts and users, including full names, interests, origin, and more. 

For instance, if you want to know which Consultant attended to a contact or the reason for closing a sale, you'll find this information in the Contact Database. Learn more about the available features in this article.

Contacts Panel and Filters

The Contacts Panel and filters are where you view the database and information provided by your clients. Additionally, you can apply filters for a more detailed analysis.


The group is the primary contact filter option. By selecting a specific group or subgroup, you filter information and data related to this option. The name of the main group always stands out.


You can choose to view contacts by a specific category (new or old, for example) or by all existing categories.


Choose the time filter from the available options: Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, This month, Last month, All history, or a Custom period

💡Tip: To obtain all information about contacts since their entry, filter by All history.


In this filter, you select to consider All registered Users (in the group or subgroup) or view only from a specific user. Depending on the choice, you will have different information.


In this option, you can use external applications integrated into your Zenvia Conversion account, such as Google Sheets (which exports your contacts to a spreadsheet) and Mailchimp or Install apps to add new ones.

Broadcast Messages

The megaphone icon represents the Broadcast Messages functionality. You choose who receives your messages, either the contacts that appear in your Current selection or Send to all contacts

⚠️Attention: Accounts with the Conversion + Attraction Integration use the megaphone icon to unify the contact base, create new lists, and send messages via Zenvia Attraction.

Download List

With the download icon, you can download all desired information from the Contact Database, either selected contacts or the entire list. 

You can include specific data using the Columns icon, such as adding phone numbers, origin groups, etc. Find the file in CSV format on your computer, in your downloads folder. 

⚠️Attention: You can select up to 16 columns at a time. The limit to download a list is up to 50 thousand contacts.


In the Columns icon, you select which information will appear in the columns of the Contact Database, such as Full name, Interest in, Origin, Consultant, State, and Closing reason. 

💡Tip: Customize according to your preferences.


In the star icon, you can view and add your favorite filters, making it quick and practical to check and monitor data. 

To create new filters, click Add to Favorites

To view your favorites list, click Favorites.


The Filters icon classifies information about your contacts. By selecting the filters, you only view details about your contacts on the panel. Check below what each filter represents and the possibilities of use:

Tag: Label to identify a group of contacts. Can be customized with name and color. Example: label for leads from a specific campaign.

Source Group: Related to the group to which an Administrator or Consultant belongs, representing teams or sectors.

Origin: Indicates the origin of the contact, whether from another tool or a specific channel.

Manual Load: Indicates that the contact was loaded manually by the Consultant or through mass loading via CSV file.

Open Contact: Refers to a conversation that is still open or pending.

App ID: Identification of the integration through which the lead entered the Contact Database, useful for the support team in searching for integration errors in the database.

Assignment Rule ID: Identification used for the distribution of the Lead within the group to which it belongs.

Clear Filters

By clicking on the Clear Filters icon, all filters applied in the Contacts Panel will be removed.

How to Add a Contact Manually

To add a contact, click on the + button (located in the lower right corner) and select the Add Contact option. Then, enter the contact details and save the information.

In the Mobile App

For the Zenvia Conversion Mobile app, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Inbox option in the bottom menu;

2. Click on the icon to add a contact in the upper left corner;

3. Fill out the form with the full name, phone number, email, tag, and origin;

4. Save the information. 

⚠️Attention: To avoid errors when interacting with the contact, it is not allowed to add two phone numbers per contact if both have an active WhatsApp account.

How to Edit Contact Information

To edit any information, hover the mouse over the desired contact and click on the pencil icon. After making the necessary edits, save the changes. 

⚠️Attention: The Comment cannot be edited, as its use comes from integrations like Facebook Leads or email. Even when adding other phone numbers, you can only chat with the first added number.

How to Close, Transfer, and Delete Contacts in Bulk

To close, transfer, and delete multiple contacts at once, follow these steps:

1. Select all desired contacts;

2. Click on one of the options you want to perform: Close, Transfer, or Delete

💡Tip: For transfers, it is necessary to choose the group or user(s).

3. Confirm the action and you're done! 

⚠️Attention: It is not possible to leave comments on contacts when performing mass transfer. For that, it is necessary to transfer individually.

Transfer of contacts through the Zenvia Conversion mobile app

If you are using the mobile app (iOS or Android), here's how to transfer your contacts easily and conveniently:


1. Access Zenvia Conversion on your phone;

2. Go to your Inbox;

3. Long press on the desired contact to open the list with the options Close and Assign;

4. After tapping on Assign, select the agent and/or group to which this contact will be transferred.


⚠️ Attention: Starting on 08/31/2024, our mobile app will no longer be compatible with Android devices running version 7 or lower. Only devices with Android 8 or higher will be able to install or update the app.


1. Access Zenvia Conversion on your phone;

2. Go to your Inbox;

3. Swipe your finger to the side to open the options Close and Assign;

4. After tapping on Assign, select the agent and/or group to which this contact will be transferred.


💡Tip: You can also make transfers within the conversation with the contact, to do this, simply tap on the transfer icon, located in the top menu next to the contact's name.

CSV Files in the Contact Database

In Zenvia Conversion, we use CSV files to export information about your contacts. You can use Excel or Google Sheets, for example, to read your files.

How to Convert XLS to CSV

To perform this conversion, access the file conversion website aconvert.com. Then, select Choose file and press Convert Now. After that, download the CSV file to your computer. This way, you can use it in Zenvia Conversion.