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11. Reengage contact base in Zenvia Customer Cloud
8 min
Created by Leonora Alves on 2/15/2024 3:46 PM
Updated by Karine Moreira on 3/8/2024 3:44 PM

When contacts do not interact with your communications, sending a new message can be a good re-engagement strategy as it helps regain the interest of your audience and improve engagement rates.

For example, your company launched a welcome promotion campaign with an exclusive discount for new users, and you noticed that the message open rate was below expectations, indicating low engagement. To address this situation, you can choose to resend the campaign only to people who did not open or click on your last message.

In Zenvia Customer Cloud, there are two ways to resend a broadcast to contacts who have not interacted with your communications:

  • On the broadcast monitoring screen, select the resend option in the broadcast status;

  • Configure automatic resend during the creation of the broadcast.

Below, see each of the reengagement options.

Resend in broadcast status

Resending the message through the broadcast monitoring report is available for Email, WhatsApp, and RCS channels. 

⚠️ Attention: This feature is available only for users with the Operator or Admin profiles.

To use it, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Analytics > Broadcasts to view the list of all sent communications;

  2. Then, click on the desired broadcast to open the details;

  3. In the Broadcast status section, the horizontal bar graph shows the lifecycle of messages. Next to the status, click the Resend button for contacts who did not {broadcast status};

  4. When repeating a broadcast, a new broadcast list is created with the opposite of the selected event. For example:

    • By clicking the button next to the Delivered status, the created list will be of contacts who didn’t receive the message;

    • By clicking the button next to the Clicked status, the created list will be of contacts who didn’t click on the message.

  5. To make a new broadcast, click on Repeat broadcast. The sending is done automatically with the same message to recipients who did not interact.

  6. The new broadcast is completed and appears in your broadcast list with the name "{Broadcast name} contacts who did not {status} in your message."

⚠️ Attention: Status varies depending on the channel used for broadcast (Email, RCS, SMS, or WhatsApp), as detailed below:
















Sending Error




Sending Error

Sending Error

Check the description of each status:

  • Delivered: messages that reached the recipient;

  • Sent: messages that went out for delivery;

  • Clicked: messages that had at least one click on the file sent in the message;

  • Read: how many messages were received and read;

  • Spam: emails that passed through Zenvia's security filters (phishing and spam) and were blocked;

  • Responded: messages that received a response;

  • Sending Error: message not sent to the phone.

Next, learn how to re-engage your contact base with automatic resend.

Automatic resend

Automatic resend involves repeating your broadcast automatically for contacts who did not open, click, or respond to your message. Besides saving time, it is an opportunity to increase engagement and improve your communications' results.

⚠️ Attention: This feature is available only for users with the Operator or Admin profiles and for Email or WhatsApp broadcasts. 

To use it, you need to create a broadcast and enable the option to Automatically resend to contacts who did not interact in the last step of broadcast creation.

To enable automatic resend, follow the instructions:

  1. First, create your Email or WhatsApp broadcast;

  2. In the last step of creating your broadcast, enable the option Resend automatically to contacts who didn’t interact.

  3. Select the waiting period for the next broadcast, i.e., the time between the broadcast and the new automatic broadcast, which can be: 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, and 1 week;

  4. Select the contact segment you want to resend the message to according to the sending channel of your broadcast:

    1. If it's Email, choose whether to resend the communication to contacts who didn’t click or didn’t read the message;

    2. If it's WhatsApp, choose whether to resend the communication to contacts who didn’t read or didn’t reply the message.

  5. Complete the creation of your broadcast.

Done! The broadcast has been created, and automatic resend will be done to contacts who did not interact or engage with the messages. So, you can monitor the results of your broadcast.

Broadcast reports

In the broadcast list, available in Analytics > Broadcasts, you can track the results obtained from the initial broadcast and the reengagement broadcast. This way, you can compare the performance of the broadcast.

In the original broadcast report, you find information about the waiting period, i.e., after how many days the new sending will be done and the selected segment.

The new (automatic) broadcast appears in your monitoring screen with the name "{Broadcast Name}_contacts who did not {status} in your message."

💡 Tip: To compare results, you can access the original broadcast report within the reengagement broadcast report. Simply click on the hyperlink of the original broadcast.

Done! Now you know how to resend a message to contacts that were not impacted by your communication in Zenvia Customer Cloud.