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01. Sandbox tests in Zenvia Customer Cloud
4 min
Created by Ligia Sarmento on 2/26/2024 4:50 PM
Updated by Ligia Sarmento on 4/12/2024 8:49 AM

The Sandbox Tests module is designed to provide and streamline the process of testing our APIs.

It offers a secure environment where developers can perform quick tests of multichannel APIs before implementing integrations in their production environments. Therefore, testing requires technical knowledge, and it is essential to have the assistance of a developer.

⚠️ Attention:  This functionality is available only for users with Operator and Admin profiles.

Explore the documentation below to learn how to test in the Sandbox and enhance your development cycle. You can perform tests on the following channels:

  • RCS.

  • Instagram.

  • Facebook.

  • WhatsApp.

  • Telegram.

⚠️ Attention:  It will not be possible to create tests for channels already contracted or those already being tested in the Sandbox.

Creating a new Sandbox Test

Regardless of the chosen channel, the process of creating a new test is based on four steps: Select the channel > Include the contacts > Send a message > Set up a Webhook.

See the tutorial below:

  1. In the side menu, go to Settings > Sandbox Tests > Create new test;

  2. Select the Channel you want to test and click Next;

  3. Include the contacts. Read the displayed QR code and send the provided keyword on the screen to the bot. After including at least one contact, the screen updates and displays the message that you are enabled to send test messages. There is a QR button on the left above this message. Click it if you want to add more contacts. Finish by clicking Next;

For RCS testing, the step of adding contacts involves only entering your phone number, clicking on send message, and responding by clicking the Accept button in the RCS-enabled app on your phone.

  1. Send a message. Choose the contact number in the To field > Type the Message to be sent > Click Send message;

On this screen, there are two fields below Send message:

  • Request: It is the message sent to the bot. It includes data such as the message type, message content, and other channel-specific parameters.

  • Response: It is the bot's response to the sent message. Here, you can analyze how the bot processes and responds to your test message.

💡 Tip:  For testing on the WhatsApp channel, there is a tab called Template located next to Message. In it, you can choose one of the templates provided in the configuration field and fill in the requested variables in the template.

      5. Set up a Webhook. In this last step, you can set up Webhooks to receive information about events and message status. 
Use the Message Webhook URL field if you want to receive information about new messages, and the Status Webhook URL field if you want to know the statuses of sent messages (sent, delivered, or rejected).

Then, click Finish to close the test. If you have questions about Webhooks, refer to the Tokens & Webhooks article for use in APIs.

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