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04. Errors in broadcast message sending on Zenvia Customer Cloud
29 min
Created by Leonora Alves on 5/27/2024 5:25 PM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 3/11/2025 1:49 PM

Message sending errors occur when messages, for some reason, do not reach the recipients. These cases are indicated as Sending errors or Not Delivered in the send reports.

To understand the reasons for these errors, access a specific dispatch in Analytics > Message broadcast > Broadcasts performance and:

  • Download a file by clicking on Request dispatch report. In this file, there is a column dedicated to possible reasons;
  • Use the Failed to send messages or Not Delivered filters available in the Broadcast details by contact list and identify the reason.

⚠️ Attention: These features are only available for users with Viewer, Operator, or Admin profiles.

Information about delivery errors and charges

Message sends can have two main statuses when an error occurs: Sending errors and Not Delivered. Billing depends on the message status:

  • Messages with the status Sending errors: There is no charge because the send did not occur due to an internal issue at Zenvia.
  • Messages with the status Not Delivered: There is a charge. The message was sent to the carrier, but did not reach the recipient. The carriers are responsible for delivering the message to the final recipient.

Sending and billing flow

  1. Zenvia sends a message to the carrier;
  2. If the send is successful, the status changes to Sent and a charge is generated;
  3. The carrier attempts to deliver the message to the recipient;
  4. If an error occurs during this stage, the status changes to Not Delivered, and the reasons may include:
    • Recipient's device unavailable (turned off, out of battery, out of coverage area, or experiencing technical issues).
    • Recipient's message inbox full.
    • Content blocked by the provider (spam or malicious).

Next, check the error reasons by channel and how to resolve them.

Understand SMS Errors

For SMS dispatches, the error messages that may appear are:



140 - Mobile number not covered

The phone number is out of the carrier's coverage area

The phone number is out of the carrier's coverage area. Check if there is signal on the device or if there is an issue with the carrier. Please try again later.

161 - Message rejected by operator

The SMS message was rejected by the recipient's carrier

The SMS message was rejected by the recipient's carrier. This may have occurred due to the message content or because the recipient blocked the sender. Please review the content of your message and check your contact list. Try again later.

190 - Unknown error

An unknown error occurred during sending

An unknown error occurred during sending. This may be due to a technical issue or an unforeseen situation. Please try again later or contact technical support.

999 - Unknown Error

An unknown error occurred during sending

An unknown error occurred during sending. This may be due to a technical issue or an unforeseen situation. Please try again later or contact technical support.

990 - You have reached your account limit. Contact Support

You have reached the usage limit for this channel. To continue sending and receiving messages, please contact our sales team to upgrade your plan.

EMPTY - Error status with no reason codeAn unknown error occurred during sending. This may be due to a technical issue or an unforeseen situation. Please try again later or contact technical support.
MESSAGE_LIMIT_REACHED - You have reached your account limit. Contact Support.You have reached the usage limit for this channel. To continue sending and receiving messages, please contact our sales team to upgrade your plan.

Message blocked due to content violation

Review the content of the message to ensure it complies with the SMS provider's policies. Avoid sending messages with content considered inappropriate or violating guidelines.

Message content limit exceeded

The SMS message exceeded the 160-character limit. You can either shorten the message content or send concatenated SMS messages, which allows for longer messages to be automatically split into multiple 160-character SMS messages and reassembled on the recipient's device.

Incorrect or incomplete recipient number; Invalid contact

Check and correct the recipient's number. Make sure to include the DDI+DDD codes to successfully send the message.

Invalid variable field value

Variables should be filled in the format: {{variableName}}. Correct any invalid variable field values before sending the message.

The service is not ready yet. Please try again later; Service temporarily unavailable

Try sending the message again at a later time when the service is available.

Understand WhatsApp Errors

For the WhatsApp channel, we list the most common specific error codes and how to resolve them.

To check all WhatsApp message errors, visit the table WhatsApp Business API Error Codes.



Sender and recipient already have an open interaction

Close the current interaction to proceed with the new message.

33 - Unsupported post request

The WhatsApp Business API does not exist or does not have the necessary permissions. Refer to the Graph API documentation.

666 - Contact [555555555555] have received too many messages in a short period

The recipient has received too many messages in a short period.

Wait before sending more messages.

1346003 - Your message cannot be sent as it contains content reported as abusive by others on Facebook

Check the message content to ensure compliance with Facebook policies.

2593006 - The account is not registered

The account is not registered.

Register the account as per Meta documentation.

3252001 - It seems you were using this feature inappropriately by advancing too quickly. Your ability to use the feature has been temporarily blocked

The WhatsApp Business account has been temporarily blocked for policy violation.

DENY_LISTED - Recipient is in the deny list for this senderId

The recipient is on the block list for this sender. Please check your contact list and remove the recipient from the block list before trying again.

error - Error handling content [0] from message [7a9cbf06-57a6-41f5-bcbc-db8fedc667f7]: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')

Error related to invalid template field formats. For example: invalid URL or blank fields.

error - Error handling content [0] from message [7a12c9b4-cadb-4a95-989a-75fdad286109]: Invalid URL

Error related to invalid template field formats. For example: invalid URL or blank fields.

INVALID_CONTACT - Contact 9176800 is not a valid WhatsApp number

The contact is not a valid WhatsApp number.

Check if the phone number is correct and registered on WhatsApp.

130472 - Failed to send message because this user's phone number is part of an experiment

Failed to send message due to Meta's experiment. Wait for the experiment to conclude and try resending the message.

131000 - Something went wrong

Unknown error sending message. Try again after some time.

131000 - Template is temporarily unavailable to use because it was paused due to low quality

The message template has been paused due to recurring negative feedback from customers or low read rates. Please review and edit the message content and request template approval again.

131031 - Business account has been locked

The business account has been locked. The associated WhatsApp Business account was restricted or disabled due to policy violations, or there was a failure to verify the data included in the request against the data set in the WhatsApp Business account.

131042 - Message failed to send because there were one or more errors related to your payment method

Failed to send the message due to one or more errors related to your WhatsApp payment method. Please contact support.

131047 - Message failed to send because more than 24 hours have passed since the customer last replied to this number

More than 24 hours without a response.

Start a new conversation to continue sending messages.

131048 - Message failed to send because there are restrictions on how many messages can be sent from this phone number. This may be because too many previous messages were blocked or flagged as spam

Message sending restrictions applied due to many messages being blocked or flagged as spam.

Check the message limits.


  • Downloading media from weblink failed with http code 404, status message Not Found

  • Downloading media from web link failed as web link server had too many redirects.

  • Downloading media from weblink failed with http code 500, status message Internal Server Error

  • Downloading media from weblink failed with http code 503, status message Service Unavailable

  • Image file has size 5851921 bytes but must be at most 5242880 bytes and non-empty

  • Image is invalid. Please check the image properties; supported are JPG/JPEG, RGB/RGBA, 8 bit/channels and PNG, RGB/RGBA, up to 8 bit/channel.

  • Video file has size 22083556 bytes but must be at most 16777216 bytes and non-empty

  • Your server hosting media content did not respond back in time. For better performance with links learn more about Media HTTP Caching under the error code section for Media upload error.

Errors specific to attempting to load media via URL. Check the media compatibility and correct format.

Understand Email Errors

When analyzing email errors, you will find codes that indicate the provider's decision regarding your message. Each code consists of 3 digits (XXX), with the first digit representing the status of your message.

4XX – Temporary Error (Soft Bounce)

This code indicates a temporary error during the sending of your message, such as the recipient's inbox being full or temporary instability in the recipient's email service. You can try resending, as it might be accepted at another time. Check the remaining digits (4.X.X) to better understand the error description.

Here are some possible solutions:

  • Spam Block: The recipient's email service may have an internal block that could include the domain, IP, or some specific content of the email. Keep the contact list updated, avoiding non-existent contacts and content that could be considered spam.

  • Full Inbox: Ignore or remove the contact from the list, or send to an alternative email.

  • Account Unavailable, Server Unavailable, Delivery Failure: Ignore or temporarily remove the contact from the list.

  • Invalid Variables: Some variable in the email content is not filled out correctly, so update the contact's registration information.

5XX – Permanent Error (Hard Bounce)

Indicates that the account or domain is invalid, meaning the email address is non-existent or the address does not accept messages from the sender. Check the remaining digits (5.X.X) to better understand the type of permanent error reported.



400 Received: (qmail 60130/11702 invoked for bounce)

An error occurred while sending the message. Possible causes include SPAM detection or the sender's domain being on the recipient's block list. Please review the content and try again.

400 attachments.0.type: The attachment type cannot contain ';', or CRLF characters

The attachment type contains invalid characters.

Ensure that the MIME type of the attachment does not contain these characters.

400 personalizations.0.custom_args: The combined size of both global and personalization custom arguments may not exceed 10000 bytes per personalization

The combined size of the custom arguments should not exceed 10,000 bytes.

Reduce the size of the personalized data.

400 personalizations.0.to.0.email: Does not contain a valid address

The provided sender email is not valid.

Verify and correct the email address.

400 reply_to.email: The reply_to email does not contain a valid address

The email address in the reply_to field is not valid.

Verify and correct the email address.

401 DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)

An error occurred during DKIM signature verification. Check if the public key is correct in the DNS record. Please contact the support team.

401 Return-Path

Authentication failure when setting the return path. Check authentication settings. Please contact the support team.

401 Authenticated user is not authorized to send mail

The authenticated user does not have permission to send emails. Check the API Key permissions in the SendGrid dashboard. Please contact our support team.

502 Bad Gateway

Our email server received an invalid response from another server. Check communication between servers. Please contact our support team.

503 #5.5.1 RCPT first

This error occurs when using the SMTP protocol directly, such as with TELNET or an SMTP testing tool, rather than with the SendGrid API. The RCPT TO command must be sent before other commands, such as DATA.

503 Bad sequence of commands. Could not process RCPT command when in this state.

This error occurs when using the SMTP protocol directly, such as with TELNET or an SMTP testing tool, rather than with the SendGrid API. The RCPT TO command must be sent before other commands, such as DATA.


This error occurs when using the SMTP protocol directly, such as with TELNET or an SMTP testing tool, rather than with the SendGrid API. The RCPT TO command must be sent before other commands, such as DATA.

503 This mail server requires authentication

Authentication error when trying to send to a non-local address. Check authentication settings and DNS records. Please contact our support team.

complained - User reported the e-mail

The message could not be sent. The recipient requested that the message be marked as SPAM in their inbox.

DENY_LISTED - Recipient is in the deny list for this senderId

The recipient has requested not to receive any more emails from the sender.

error - Template id not approved yet

The message cannot be sent. The email template has not been approved. Please wait for the template's approval.

error - Failed to access URL

Failed to access the specified URL. Please check the URL's availability and try again


The message cannot be sent; the connection was terminated unexpectedly. Check your internet connection and try again.

EXCEPTION - socket hang up

The message cannot be sent; the connection was terminated unexpectedly. Check your internet connection and try again.

timeout of 30000ms exceeded

The message sending operation exceeded the defined timeout. Check connectivity with the server.

required - The field to (recipient) must be provided

Message sent without a defined recipient. Set a recipient for the message.

INVALID_SENDER - Please contact support team

The message was not sent. This error occurs when the "from" in the message does not match the "credentials.senderId." Please contact the support team.

Understand RCS Errors

For the RCS channel, we have listed the most common specific errors and how to resolve them.

If you have further questions, check the RCS Business Messaging Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy.



0 - Unexpected error preparing message

An unforeseen or unspecified error occurred while processing a request in the RCS system.

11 - Message body invalid

The message body is invalid.

12 - Message content overflow

The message content exceeds the allowed size. Reduce the message content to fit within the permitted limit.

Check the allowed formats and sizes.

13 - Incorrect or incomplete 'to' mobile number

The recipient's phone number is incorrect or incomplete.

Verify and correct the recipient's phone number, ensuring it is in the correct format (IDD+DDD+9 digits).

105 - Message blocked by duplicated external key

Message blocked due to duplicated external key. Each RCS message has an ID that Google RCS expects to be unique. That is, sending a message with identical IDs will result in an error on the second attempt.

130 - Message blocked

The message was blocked by Google. This may occur for various reasons, including: Spam or malicious content, Recipient opted out of receiving messages from the sender.

134 - Message blocked by forbidden content

The message was blocked due to containing forbidden content. This may occur for various reasons, such as: Malicious links, Files with disallowed extensions, Offensive or prohibited language.

135 - Aggregate is Invalid or Inactive

The aggregate is invalid or inactive. In the RCS context, this refers to an Aggregate (message group) whose ID is inactive or invalid.

136 - Message expired

The RCS message was not delivered within a specified time period and expired. Check the Google connection or if the recipient's device is turned off.

141 - International sending not allowed

RCS message sent to an international number and international sending is not permitted by the messaging service’s settings or policies.

190 - Unknown error

Generic error. A problem occurred, but the exact cause cannot be determined.

400 - com.google.apps.framework.request.CanonicalCodeException:
 The supplied file URL
is invalid Code: INVALID_ARGUMENT

The provided file URL is invalid. Ensure the URL is correct and accessible.

400 - com.google.apps.framework.request.CanonicalCodeException:
 Unsupported content-type ,image/png. The RBM platform determines the MIME type of the file from the content-type field in the HTTP headers. The content-type field of the URL provided is unsupported. This content-type must be one of: [image/jpeg, image/jpg, image/gif, image/png, video/h263, video/m4v, video/mp4, video/mpeg, video/mpeg4, video/webm, application/pdf]. Code: INVALID_ARGUMENT

The content-type (MIME type) of the file provided in the URL is unsupported by the RBM platform. Check the file types supported by the platform.

400 - Unsupported file type: gcs_url:
"https://rbm-us.storage.googleapis.com/691582025489/lr8gl6osBmiuVnQUqMsghllc" mime_type: "image/webp" size: 9948 file_name: "b7d3244a7a6ddce9682aea28fd12a05c407
a42e747354a663575257b33c335df.bin" width: 424 height: 186

The file type provided is unsupported by the RBM platform. Check the file types supported by the platform.

400 - User phone number is not of a valid format.

The provided phone number is not in a valid format.

400 - Within contentMessage, text must not be empty

The message text cannot be empty. Ensure that the text field of the message is not empty before sending it.

Errors with status 400

The request made to the server is invalid or contains incorrect arguments. Check the API codes to identify and fix the issue.

403 - There was an error looking up the RBM agent (ID: rbm-agent) that corresponds to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project you're authenticating with.

The system was unable to find the RBM agent corresponding to the GCP project you are using. Ensure the RBM agent is properly configured and linked to the GCP project.

403 - This operation is blocked because it violates the RBM Terms of Service (Terms of Service for RCS Business Messaging | RCS Business Messaging Developer Docs | Google for Developers) and/or Policies (Acceptable Use Policy | Business Communications | Google for Developers).

This operation was blocked due to violations of the RBM Terms of Service and/or Policies, such as sending prohibited content or misuse of the API.

403 - This operation is blocked because the RBM agent has not launched on the user's carrier nor have they been invited to become a tester (Test devices | RCS Business Messaging Developer Docs | Google for Developers).

This operation was blocked because the RBM agent has not yet been launched on the user's carrier or the user has not been invited to become a tester.

Errors with status 403

Authentication failed. Check the settings and status of the RBM agent that made the request.

404 - Requested entity was not found

The requested resource or entity could not be found by the server. This may include incorrect URLs, the recipient number is not recognized by RCS, or an attempt to access a resource that has been removed or never existed.

429 - You have reached the maximum number of times that this request can be made in a given time period. Some requests are limited according to their parameters: for instance, a request can only be made once every four hours from a given agent for a given user

You have reached the maximum number of times this request can be made within a specified time period. Some requests are limited based on their parameters: for example, a request can only be made once every four hours from a specific agent for a particular user.

500 - Internal error encountered

The RCS server encountered an internal problem that prevents it from processing the request.

503 - The service is currently unavailable

The RCS server is temporarily unavailable or overloaded and cannot fulfill the request. This may be due to scheduled maintenance, server overload, temporary infrastructure failures, or other reasons making the service unavailable.

990 - Account Limit Reached - Please contact support

The account limit has been reached.

999 - Unknown ErrorAn unknown error occurred during sending. This may be due to a technical issue or an unforeseen situation. Please try again later or contact technical support.
CONTENT_RESTRICTION - Agent has rich content restrictionThe RCS agent is configured with Rich Card content restrictions that prohibit sending certain types of media or specifically formatted content.
error - Unexpected ErrorAn unknown error occurred during sending. This may be due to a technical issue or an unforeseen situation. Please try again later or contact technical support.
INVALID_CONTACT - Contato inválido

Invalid contact.

NOT_CAPABLE_RCS - Phone {telefone} is not capable to receive RCS

The phone is not capable of receiving RCS.