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04. Daily budget: How it works and what to do about value fluctuations
2 min
Created by Leonora Alves on 9/24/2024 10:17 AM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 10/21/2024 9:47 AM

The daily budget is the amount you set to spend on ads throughout a day. It serves as a guideline for how much you are willing to invest in your campaigns, allowing you to control your spending while seeking effective results.

Understand the Daily Budget and Variations

When setting a daily budget, you establish an average spending amount over a week (from Sunday to Saturday). Meta will try to optimize this amount to achieve the desired results, but the actual spending may vary. 

Value Variations

Fluctuations in daily spending are common, as Meta seeks to take advantage of the best advertising opportunities. 

On some days, spending may be up to 75% higher than your budget, while on other days it may be lower. Additionally, spending can vary throughout the day, depending on the available opportunities. Charges are averaged over the week (Sunday to Saturday), and the total spending in a week will not exceed seven times the daily budget.

For example, if your daily budget is R$100, Meta may spend up to R$175 on a specific day. However, in a week, the total will not exceed R$700.


Access the Meta Help Center documentation on daily budgets.