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09. Insert notes, tags and files
2 min
Created by Humanz on 6/3/2022 12:16 PM
Updated by Maria Malheiro on 9/18/2024 3:16 PM

In an active conversation in Zenvia Chat, it is possible to use some resources during the interaction, such as notes, tags, and files.
To access this feature, go to Zenvia Chat - Agent Profile > Inbox.


Zenvia Chat allows you to make comments using the Note field. This is a free-text field that helps agents have more context about a client. Notes are not visible to the client; only the agent can see them.


Tags are used to classify a conversation, meaning they categorize it according to its reason. Below, we will detail how to use these resources.

Adding tags

To add a tag to a conversation, simply click the Apply tag button and select the desired tag. It is possible to add one or more tags.

⚠️ Attention: Only users with an Administrator profile can create new tags and edit existing ones. Also remember that it is not possible to edit Tags and Notes once the conversation has been closed. 


It is possible to send and receive files during the conversation. To do this, use the button with the attachment icon, as illustrated below. After clicking the button, a window will appear for you to select files from your device or network. 

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