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Ads that click to WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger or Instagram Direct
3 min
Created by Larissa Aniceto on 4/20/2023 4:52 PM
Updated by Larissa Aniceto on 8/4/2023 5:30 PM
Learn how to use this tool in your business

By creating click ads for WhatsApp/Facebook Messenger/Instagram Direct you can redirect your leads directly to the inbox of each of these three channels. Here are the first steps to do this:


Through WhatsApp

With Ads that click to WhatsApp, you can add a Send Message button to your Facebook or Instagram ads that will open a conversation thread in the WhatsApp Business App. This allows customers to connect with your business on WhatsApp after clicking the button on your ad.


Before you begin:

Through Facebook Messenger

Ads that click to Messenger work with three objectives: Messages, Traffic, and Conversions. During ad creation, you'll create both the ad and the welcome experience people see in Messenger after they click on your ad.


Before you begin: choose your objective

  • The Messages objective delivers ads to people more likely to respond to your business in Messenger (recommended).

  • The Traffic objective is designed to send people to a Messenger conversation.

  • The Conversions objective should be used if you're tracking events with a Facebook pixel.


Through Instagram Direct

Ads that click to Instagram Direct are shown in Instagram Feed or Stories and allow people to start a message thread with your business by clicking on your ad. Here you can interact with people directly to complete purchases, answer questions, or offer support.


Before you begin: create an Instagram Business account.


For more details on how to create each of these ads you can access the following articles from Meta: WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Instagram Direct,

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