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How to Change Your Account Language in Zenvia Conversion
1 min
Created by Larissa Aniceto on 4/20/2023 5:19 PM
Updated by Larissa Aniceto on 8/7/2023 10:20 AM
Learn how to easily change your account language

In Zenvia Conversion, you can choose which language (Spanish, English, or Portuguese) your account information will display in. Follow the steps below to make the change:


1 - Go to Settings > Groups & Users. Click on the three dots, then select General:

2 - Choose your desired language and click Accept

Refresh the page, and you're all set! The change will take effect.


Note: This is a group-level setting, which allows you to use a different language for each--if you have more than one--just by repeating this process for each group.

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