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01. Contacts Base
11 min
Created by Maria Malheiro on 2/21/2024 10:07 AM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 7/31/2024 10:28 AM

Zenvia Customer Cloud Contact Base centralizes all your customer data in one place, making access and unified management easier. With it, you can create, edit, customize, and manage contact information.

How to use the Contact base

Use the Contact base to:

  • Add Contacts: Import contacts from a file, add them manually, or via API.
  • Tags: Create tags to group contacts based on their relationship with your organization.
  • Transfer Assignment: Transfer contacts from one agent to another or to a specific group.
  • Contact Search: Easily find any contact within your base.
  • Contact Management: Start engagements, edit, add, or permanently remove contacts.

To get started, access your contacts in the side menu under Contacts > Contact Base.

Information available in the base

Check the total number of contacts in your database and the date and email of the person who performed the last import. The displayed data covers the past 90 days.

To view the complete import history, click on View all imports.

Adding contacts

Add contacts to your base by importing .CSV files, manually, or via API.

💡 Tip: Manual addition and file import can also be done by accessing Import history > New import or Contact lists > Add contacts.

Importing from a file

  1. Click on Add Contacts > Import from a File;

  2. Upload the file by clicking on Upload File or drag it to the highlighted field.

  3. Select or create a list to include the contacts.

  4. Associate the contact manager's field with the respective column of the imported file. If you want to customize the contact information, create an extra field.

  5. Complete the import by clicking on Confirm.

💡 Tip: The file must be in .csv format and must contain, mandatory, the mobile number or email.

Adding manually

  1. Click on Add Contacts > Add Manually;

  2. Select or create a new list to include the contact;

  3. Fill in the contact information in the respective fields;

  4. Finish by clicking on Add Contact.

⚠️ Attention: It is mandatory to register the contact's mobile number or email.



Zenvia Customer Cloud provides an API that allows integration and use of the Contact Database directly within your applications and systems. With this API, you can:

  • Connect the Contact base with other systems and applications, enhancing operational efficiency.
  • Reduce the need for manual data entry and repetitive processes.
  • Tailor contact functionalities to meet your business's specific needs.

Learn how the Contact base API works and access the Zenvia API documentation.

Create tags

With tags, you can group and categorize contacts in your base according to your organization's needs. For example, you can segment customers based on their relationship with the company, such as potential leads, business partners, and/or suppliers. These tags allow you to filter your contact list or send mass messages.

To create a new tag:

  1. Click on Create Tags > + New Tag;
  2. You can assign a color to the tag by clicking the icon to customize the identification;
  3. Give the tag a name;
  4. Click the checkmark  to save.

After creating a tag, you can assign it to contacts.

Assign a tag to a contact

You can tag a contact in the contact base or for a specific contact.

In the contact base:

  1. Check the box next to the contact(s) you want to tag;
  2. At the top of the contact list, next to the number of selected contacts, click Assign Tag ;
  3. Select an existing tag or click + New Tag to create a new one.
  4. Click Apply Tag to confirm.

For a specific contact:

  1. Click on the contact you want to tag;
  2. In the contact's engagement monitor, locate the Tags field;
  3. Select an existing tag or click + New Tag to add a new one.

Existing tags can be edited and/or deleted both in the contact base and directly in the contact monitor:

  • To edit the name or color of a tag, click the edit icon lapis.png next to the desired tag.
  • To delete a tag, click the trash can icon. Deletion is permanent and all contacts assigned to that tag will lose this categorization.

Transfer contact assignment

Contact assignment determines how contacts are distributed among service groups. When a new contact arrives in the Customer Inbox, the contact assignment rule notifies users belonging to the designated group. The behavior of this rule depends on the chosen configuration.

In the contact database, you can transfer contacts assigned to one agent to another or to a specific group.

This feature can be useful for redistributing the workload of an overloaded agent, allocating contacts to the most suitable agents or groups for specific service, and managing team or agent responsibility changes.

To transfer contact assignment:

  1. Click on Transfer Contact Assignment.
  2. Select the current agent to whom the contacts you want to transfer are assigned. Contacts assigned to this agent will be transferred.
  3. Choose the recipient of the contacts. It can be another agent or a specific group. To check the organization’s groups and the agents in each group, go to Sales > Settings > Customer service teams.
  4. Review the transfer before proceeding. Confirm which agent you are transferring the contacts from and to which agent or group these contacts will be transferred.

After the transfer, you can view in the database which group or user each contact is assigned to and filter these contacts by assignment.

Searching for a contact

The contact search field searches for all contacts regardless of the list, meaning all contacts belonging to your base are searched. To perform a search, simply type the desired information into the search field. The results are displayed automatically. This field uses keywords to search in any available field, including name, phone, and/or email. For example, when searching for the term "test," the results display contacts whose emails or names contain the word "test."

Start service

By clicking on the icon , you can check the appointments.

Editing contact

To change the information that was entered during contact addition (whether manually or by import), follow these steps:

  1. Choose the contact and click on the edit icon ;

  2. The form is identical to the one displayed when adding a contact manually;

  3. After updating or adding the desired information, click on Save Changes;

  4. If the contact is imported through a file containing an extra field, it can be edited manually.

💡 Tip:  You can remove a contact from a list or add it to new ones at the time of editing.

The same contact can be present in various lists (or none).

Adding contact to a list

This option allows you to copy a contact with all its data and link it to another list, enabling it to be used as a target audience in another list. To do this:

  1. Hover over the icon and select the option Add to a List;

  2. Select or create a new list to include the contact;

  3. Click Confirm.

  4. Finally, learn how to remove a contact from your base.

Permanently removing the contact

Before permanently removing a contact, make sure it is no longer needed and that its removal will not negatively impact any dispatch. Keep in mind that the contact is removed from all lists and also from your organization's entire database.

To remove a user:

  1. Hover over the icon and select the option Permanently Remove;

  2. Check the contact information and the current lists to which it belongs, and to confirm deletion, click Delete Contact.

The contact has been removed from your base.

That´s it! Now you know how to use and organize your customer base.