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03. First steps in Zenvia Customer Cloud
8 min
Created by Leonora Alves on 2/26/2024 4:31 PM
Updated by Leonora Alves on 4/26/2024 4:21 PM

First steps in Zenvia Customer Cloud are essential to start using the software and optimize your end-to-end journey.

When accessing the software for the first time, account administrators can easily input their contacts and work team with ease and autonomy.

The process is simple, and if you want to complete it later, you can simply skip the steps. If you want to continue, start by preparing your organization's contact base.

⚠️ Attention: This functionality is available only for users with the Admin profile.

Importing contacts

At this stage, you can import your contacts into the software in two ways: by integrating Zenvia Customer Cloud with Omie or by importing a CSV file with your contact base.

Integrating Omie

Omie is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that offers integrated solutions for areas such as finance, sales, and purchasing. Integrating it with Zenvia Customer Cloud allows you to keep your contact base constantly updated in real-time, facilitating management and optimizing processes.

If you already use this ERP, to integrate it with our solution, you need to obtain the integration access credentials APP_KEY and APP_SECRET:

  1. Log in to Omie at https://app.omie.com/login/;
  2. Get your access credentials:
    • In My Applications, click on the gear icon and then on App Summary. At the bottom of the page, you will find the Integration Key (API) area with the credentials;
    • Or, in the Developer Area, click on the Applications button to obtain the credentials.
  3. Back in Zenvia Customer Cloud, paste each key into the corresponding fields;
  4. Click Continue to validate the credentials.

Done! Your contacts will be inserted and can be accessed in Contacts > Contact Base, or you can check your latest imports in Import History.

With validation completed, the next step is to add your team.

Select CSV file

To add a file, make sure it meets the specifications to ensure correct processing:

  • The file must be in CSV format, a simple way to store information in spreadsheets. Each line in a CSV represents a row of a spreadsheet, and cells are separated by commas (,) or semicolons (;);
  • The file must contain the contact's phone numbers or email addresses, located in the first column. This is how the system identifies each contact;
    • The phone number must be in DDI+DDD format (e.g., 5551999999999);
  • The first line of the file must be the header. This is how the system identifies the title of each column, i.e., what information the column indicates about the contact;
  • Each contact's phone number or email must be on a separate line in the file, as each line contains the information of a specific contact;
  • The maximum file size is 75 MB.

With the file configured correctly:

  • Drag and drop the file into the indicated field or click Select file;
  • Then, add the contacts to a list. Simply enter a name in the input field;
  • Click Create my contact base and continue to upload your file.

Error while loading file

Errors related to importation are usually associated with CSV file formatting issues. Know what to do if you encounter problems:

Error How to solve
Invalid format Check if the file is in CSV format.
File is too large Split the file into smaller parts or consider reducing the size of the original file to comply with the 75 MB limit.
File must have more than 01 (one) line Ensure the file contains more than one data line. Add at least one valid contact information line to proceed with the import.
File without header Confirm whether the file contains the header with phone numbers or email addresses and the variables to be used.
Repeated contact data Review the file to identify and remove duplicated contact information.
Invalid phone or email format Verify that phone and email formats are correct for each contact in the file. The phone format is DDI+DDD, without dashes, spaces, or dots (e.g., 5551999999999).
Multiple phone or email formats Standardize formats so that all are consistent in the file.

The next step is to map how the file's information should appear in Zenvia Customer Cloud.

Selecting the information

In this step, a preview of the imported file's columns and fields is shown. Map the fields by determining what each column of your imported file represents in Zenvia Customer Cloud:

  1. In Select, mark the columns of the file that you want to import into the Zenvia Customer Cloud contact base. If a column is disabled, the system will not upload the data, and it will be ignored during importation;
  2. In Information in Zenvia Customer Cloud: Choose the corresponding field in the Zenvia Customer Cloud contact base for each column of the file.
    1. The mandatory standard fields are the cell phone or email. If you want to customize, create additional fields by clicking Select a field > Create extra field. For example: You can create a "Birthday Date" field.
  3. Field type: Determine the format of the information to be imported, which can be Text, Number, or Date. For example: If the information is the birthday date, the field type should be Date.
  4. Click Create my contact base and continue to add users from your team to Zenvia Customer Cloud.

Add your team

It is necessary to add people who will effectively access and use Zenvia Customer Cloud. The number of allowed users, as contracted in the software plan, represents the number of users the organization can add.

⚠️ Attention: At this stage, the users added will be automatically assigned to the organization's administrator profile (Admin). To modify the profile of these users later, access Settings > Users and organization and make changes to the profile type.

Copy or enter one or more email addresses of the users and click Add and continue.

Done! Now you are ready to use Zenvia Customer Cloud and can access the homepage to explore the features.