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01. Overview of Channels in Zenvia Customer Cloud
2 min
Created by Ligia Sarmento on 3/5/2024 10:10 AM
Updated by Ligia Sarmento on 8/5/2024 3:05 PM

The Channels module in our solution integrates conversational channels with other modules in Zenvia Customer Cloud, enabling your company to provide effective customer service through practical and unified communication.

⚠️Attention: This functionality is only available for users with Operator or Admin profiles.

Channels available for integration

To access the module, choose Settings > Channels from the side menu.

The following channels are available:

  • WebChat.
  • Facebook Messenger.
  • WhatsApp.
  • Instagram.
  • SMS.
  • RCS.
  • Email.

Channel integration plays a central role in the modules offered by Zenvia Customer Cloud, making it the first step before utilizing certain available features. For example:

  • Message broadcast Module: It is mandatory to integrate the channel to be used for dispatches, such as SMS, WhatsApp, email, and RCS.
  • Customer service Module: Integration of the WhatsApp channel is mandatory to use the Customer inbox. Other channels like Facebook, Instagram, email, and WebChat are optional.
  • Chatbot Module: It is mandatory to have at least one of the active channels, either WebChat, Instagram, or WhatsApp, to provide the chatbot to customers.

Access documentation for each integration to proceed:

💡 Tip: We advise caution when using the communication channel deletion function. After deletion, it's not possible to send or receive messages on the deleted channel. Therefore, before using it, make sure that no communication or campaign will be negatively affected.

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